Page 235 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 235

Best  of  Luck                                       ~Jentino'~
           to  the  '93  Graduates
                                                                        The Pizza Restaurant

                           EMPLOYEE  OWNED                         That Didn't  Stop With Pizza

                                                                                 DON'T  FORGET  OUR
                                                                               GRAND  ITALIAN  BUFFET .
                                                                    CENTER                                  WEST
                                                               6429WestCenterRd.   Our  Incredible. all-you-con-  2505So. 132nd
                                                                   397~988     eat Italian  Buffet features   333-5440
                                                                               more  than  70  ~reslstoble
                                                                               Items.  Plua ... pasta . ..
                                                                               garden salads ... dell salads
                                                                               ... SplrozzJ  bread twists  ...
                                                                   N011THWEST   desserts and more.  Lunch   GALL!I!tA
                                                                  10190 Maple   buffet served  dolly   at 11   5022 So.'  108th
                                                                   571-1400                                331-0300
                                                                               a .m.  Dinner  buffet served
                                                                               nightly at 4:00p.m . Sunday
                                                                                10 - 2.
                         FOOD  STORES

          120th West Center

            Westwood Plaza

               LE  FLEUR

                          (THE  FLOWER)

              "FOR  FLOWERS  OF  DESTINCTION             11

                               Fresh  Rowers  •  Plants

                          CUSTOM  SILK  ARRANGEMENTS
                          IN  HOME  COLOR  CONSULTATION
                              WEDDINGS  •  FUNERALS

                           CITY WIDE  DELIVERY


                          15615  WEST  CENTER  RD.                       145th and Center

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