Page 239 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 239


                     ~no f~l~ ~~n1ons

                ~OVISORS- MRS. IVY
                        MRS.  ~ONSfR
                ~RfSI~fNT- ~tRTHtR ~ROWN
                ~\Cf-~RtS\OfNT- ~ICK lRRMR
                IRfRSURtR  -~NG!t ~INGliNG
                ~fCRfTRRY - ~RTt fRtHRN~

                ~RRl\MfNTRRIRN - JRWUfl\Nf  lf bROS
                ~\STORIRN- btRMR\Nf  ltbROS
                ~tPORHR -l\l  ~UNHR                                    144 &  W.  Center

                ~lHRNRTt- ~RRfN LUNNINGHRM                                   334-1415

                                                                     Good Luck to All

                                                                           Millard North


    Congratu[ations '93  :J  orensics Seniors                     CONGRATULATIONS

                                                                   to the  class  of  ~993, and  thanks  for  your  support!
         Yllice  Lin            2\yan 'Bergmann
         Xf_vin  Wefsh         13tian Lucas
         Lintfsay :Mi[[er     Yl.nna  13ahney

         :Me[issa  Conne[[     'Tom  'Dempsey
         :Matt So[6erg         Lintfsey Xf_ttefer
         Lissa WieGers         13e th Weinde[
         Jason Sharp           'Erin 13ue[[
         Lisa J{eitmann        Jana J{utchison
         Jeff Smith            2\yan Wootfs
                                                                      M.N.  ENVIRONMENTAL  CWB:
          *  .521..  specia[  than~  from J{PJ!  ('Terry
         Peterson) for many memora6[e  years.

          "13aca  13aca " to you a[[/                            acting  locally  for  a better  tomorrow

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