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Winkler,  Jenn y   72,  82,  166.   Wolf, Rya n   72   Wood , Kris   137. 185   Wrestling   210
                         237,259             WoiJ'e,  Casey   93 ,254   Wood , Nath an   137   Wright , Ange la   93
                     Winter Tea m Stats 2 14   Wolfe,  Tricia   137,2 13   Woodard , Lindsey   11 7   Wright , Frank   I 15
                     Winterboer, Jason   47 , 72,  82,   Wolff, Jonath an   82,   Woodard , Naomi   72   Wyant . Emily   93 . 150
                         83 ,  180, 181          93, 164,25 1 ,256    Woods,  Jeff   73        Wyffelers,  Read   192
                     W ise,  John   115 , 2 10   Wolff. M ary Jo   11 5.256   Woods,  Rya n   27.  73.  156   Wylie, Amy   11 7.180
                     Wiseca rve r, Amy   137   Walkins,  Jed   72     Woods,  Sarah   259,  137   Wylie,  Sara   73
                     Witte, John   137,  193,  2 11 ,25 0   Wollman, Ca th y   139.  145   Wormington,  Bart   100,  145
                     Woe ppel, Rachel   93   Wood , Beth   20,93,253   Worthington, Julie   73   y
                     Wohl , Jan elle   I 15   Wood, K en   115 , 192   Woz ny,  Sean   73
                                                                                               Yazdi, Jonn a   145
                    Treble Choir: front-Kristin Dickey, Andrea Hinckley, Jennifer Cohn, Rosalyn Connell, Erica Wall, Jayme   Yepma,  Holly  93
                    Tichauer,  Danielle LaPierre, Ingrid Carlson, DeeAnn Dryden,  Niki Williamson; second row- Shanna   Yerks,  JefT   93
                    Christensen,  Suzy  Webb, Stacy Sanchelli,  Nicole Minino,  Lizzie Prendergast,  Lee Severson, Rachel   Yordt.  Amy   259
                    Hospodka, Candice Stolz, Jennifer Liu; third row- Laura Vehring, Kim Easdale, Erica Schreider, Katie   Youn gman, Blake   11 5,213
                    Hoke, Melissa Bentley, Annie Bitsos, Erin Caughlin, Sarah Woods, Kimberly Hedquist, Becky Gregg, Trish
                    Farrell; back-Nicole Bresley, Sara Burch, Allison Holt, Emily Diehl, Tanisha Avery, Jenny Tuel, Tracy   z
                    Grover,   Moss, Katie Mcmahon, Katrina Norman,   Yordt, Aimee McMillian.
                                                                                               Zabroc ki, Dale   188
                                                                                               Zaversnik, A ndrea   73,82
                                                                                               Zelfei, James   11 5
                                                                                               Ze lge l, Julie   137
                                                                                               Zellerman, Corey   93
                                                                                               Zimmerman,  Andy   93
                                                                                               Zgoda , Amy   I 15
                                                                                               Ziepke,  Brian   73 ,  170,  179,  188
                                                                                               Zinck, Michae l   137,249
                                                                                               Zito,  Stephanie   78,93
                                                                                               Zito,  Tony   137,  2 11
                                                                                               Zucker, Dana   93 , 253
                                                                                               Zurek, Deborah   73
                                                                                               Zychowski, Kath eryn   73
                                                                                               Zymola, John  Jr.   34, 59,73 ,

                                                                      Rick Billings Studio for taking the group   for  her art  contributions.  With  the
                                                                      pictures  and  Homecoming  & Prom /   help of all  of these people, the  stall
                                                                      Alter  Prom  Picture  (in  supplement) .   and  Adviser  Sheila  Pedersen , this
                       COLOPHON  Thanks, too, goes to Lara Johannsen                           year's book put us  A Step Ahead!
                             This  yearbook cover   co lumn  layo ut.  The  class headings
                      was  an  original  design  by  Creative   were  taken  from  the  TypeStyler
                      Services.  The  theme  of  A  Step   program.
                      Ahead was put on a four color cover   Following the  people
                      using #701  permacote coating . The   section  was  the  Academic  section .
                      endsheets were  printed  on  ten   Th oughout  this  section,  a  three
                      percent grey  paper with  #708   co lumn  10% gray screen  quote  box
                      Environmental Heavy Blue ink. The   served as a continuing element.  The
                      contract included eight pages off our   initial word  in the quote box was  in 36
                      color and  25  pages  of  spot  color,   pt. souvenir bold while the remaining
                      which  included  Burgundy  #215,   quote heading was in 24 pt.  souvenir
                      Sunflower# 130, Irish  Green #340,   and  the  quotes  themselves  were
                      Aqu a #320 , Royal  Blue  RRB , Violet   done  in  8  pt.  souve nir.  The  copy
                      #259 , and  Grass Green  #354 .   headline initial letter was done in  100
                             Consistently throughout   pt.  H.  Tiffany Heavy and  the
                      the  book, ten  point, Helvetica  type   remaining  headline  was done in 30
                      was  used  for  the  body  copy  and   pt.  avante  garde  bold .  10%  gray
                      names  were  bold  faced .  The  folio   screen  bars were  used  for  headline
                      numbers  were  a combination  24 ,   accents.  Bottom  heading  was  done
                      30 , 36 point, Helvetica bold , with the   in  72  pt.  avante  garde  bold .   Yearbook Staff: front-Advisor Sheila Pedersen, Alice Lin , Jenny Winkler, ,213Jill Hoover
                      folio  copy  centered  in  eight  point,   The  last  section  in  the   , Ashley Pixton ; second row-Gortn ey Christensen, Jolene Lundgren, Caren  Friedman,
                                                                      Angie Rinker, Jennifer Davi d; third row- Debbi Eades Dana King, Wendy Malesa, Natash a
                      Helvetica.  Th e captions were  eight   yearbook  was  Sports.  This  four   Major, Angie Meier; back-Kyle Marler, Kevin Ridley  (Rick Billings Studio)
                      point,  Helvetica , justified with  photo   co lumn  layout consisted  of a  30  pt.
                      credits  following ,  full  name  eight   New  Century Schoolbook copy   The Yearbook Staff Leaders
                      point italic.           headline. The continuing element of
                             In  the  Student Life   this  section  was  was  the  65  pt  New   Editors in Chief----Jill Hoover/Jenny Winkler
                      section ,  headlines  were  30  point,   Gentry  Schoolbook  heading
                      bold , Helvetica,  with  the initial letter   connected  by  bullets  .   Production Manager--Cortney Christensen
                      one column  wide , 12 picas tall . The   A  special thanks to
                      heading  was  60  point,  Bl  Optima   Walsworth  Representative Mike
                      Oblique .  Th e layout was  originally   Diffenderfer  and  Walsworth  Plant   Business Managers--Debbi Eades/Ashley Pixton
                      designed  by  the  stall and  divider   Personnel  Brenda Search  and  Mike
                      pages  were  designed by  Ben   Sargeant for  their professional   Index Managers--Kevin Ridley/Angie Rinker
                      Th ompson .             advice.  Thanks  also  goes  to  Jack
                             The  next  section  was   Martin  Photography  for  his  help  in
                      th e People section which was a four   shooting  all  team  pictures  and  to        259
   258   259   260   261   262   263   264   265   266   267   268