Page 264 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 264

teps  Ahead

                                                           Make  Year


                                                                  -Jenny Winkler&
                                                                    Jill Hoover
                                                          changes  that  mances.  As  steps  were
                                                        throughout the  taken to improve one's life,
                                                 r allowed Millard North  academic excellence was
                                             the  opportunity to  take  A  likely to  shine.
                                              Step Ahead. Although the             Contributions were
                                              process to  change things  made throughout the year
                                              was difficult at  times,  the  by the students, teachers,
                                              improvements made were  advisors,  and  volunteers.
                                              vital  for  the  future  of  the  It was crucial for the future
                                              school.                      of  the  school  to  take  the
                                                     Changes were also  next  step  in  education,
                                              made within students' lives.   which  was  successfully
                                              New  jobs  were  started,  accomplished.  When the
                                              clubs and  extra-curricular  last  locker was  slammed
                                              activities  were  joined  in  and  the  final  good-byes
                                              record  numbers,  and  ath-  were said,  it was clear that
                                              letes discovered new ways  MN  had  taken  a genuine
                                              to  improve their  perfor- Step Ahead.

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