Page 6 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 6
ditional Changes
Bring Needed
- Jenny Winkler
he phrase "new ing the many aspects of
and imp ed" could have space travel to Mars. The
[__--...,...""""' ,..,---, '<7'<"kool motto. I m- course was primarily put
provements in the school together by math teacher
were made almost daily Alice Foster and NASA En-
and provided students with gineer Owen Gwynne.
a feeling that they were A Outcome-Based
Step Ahead. Education was another fo-
_Changes in the cus of teachers and ad-
school's development ministration. This new di-
were obvious. The junior rection for education was
and senior lockers were implemented by the Stra-
updated in color from or- tegic Planning Committee.
ange to blue and gray, One could also feel '
which tied into the blue of a step towards overcrowd-
the underclassmen lock- ing. The freshman and
ers. sophomore classes were
Silent announce- some of the largest the
ments were also installed school had ever held, and
around the school, provid- talks were beginning about
ing a more peaceful atmo- building a third Millard High
sphere compared to the School.
seldom-heard intercom Without the efforts
announcements. Passing of administration, teachers,
periods were considered students, and the Strate-
to be lengthened to six min- gic Planning Committee,
utes in order to allow stu- many of the changes and
dents to read the an- developments would not
nouncements. have been made possible.
A pilot course was The school year was defi-
the highlight for many stu- nitely made better by dif-
dents and several teach- ferences in the school at-
ers. "Reaching Out to the mosphere, which estab-
Red Planet" was an inter- lished the fact that M N was
disciplinary course involv- A Step Ahead.