Page 11 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 11


                                                                    Finding  new,  creative  and  inexpensive  enter-
                                                             tainment was how most students took that Step Ahead.
                                                                    Movies were too expenisive at $5  and shopping
                                                             became monotonous when always looking at the same
                                                             th ings that couldn't be  afforded anyway.
                                                                    However, activities offered by school  were re la-
                                                             tively inexpensive. Sporting events, whether football or
                                                             basketball, cost only $3  a person  unless one  had  an
                                                                                          activity  card ,  and  then  it
                                                                                          was $2 a person. Even the
                                                                                          school  play  was  reason-
                                                                                          able at only $2  a person.
                                                                                                 Some  students
                                                                                          found  that the best enter-
                                                                                          tainment didn 't necessarily
                                                                                          have  to  be  bought  with
                                                                                          money.  Some discovered
                                                                                          a  nice  walk  or  good  chat
                                                                                          with a friend was enjoyable.
                                                                                          Even  spending time  by
                                                                                          oneself  with  a good book
                                                                                          was relaxing.
                                                                                                  Other inexpensive
                                                                                          activities included  spend-
                                                                                          ing an evening at a friend's
                                                                                          house, watching a movie,
                                                                                          or  cruising  around  while
                                                                                          avoiding Dodge Street.
                                                                                                  Since most students
                                                                                          didn't  have  the  luxury  of
                                                                                          being blessed with  a lot of
                                                                                          money, they did their best
                                                                                          to  be  innovative  an d took
                                                                                          that  Step  Ahee~  w f1  nd that
                                                                                          special,  inexpensive  mo-
                                                                                              -   Jill Hoover

   Being  part  of  a school group like Stu-  "Whistle while you work!"  Is what many
   dent Council  provides more friendships.   had to do to keep their minds on  work.
   Spending  some "quality" time together   Senior Shane Peterson, keeps a smile
   are  Seniors  Derek  Strohman, Becky   handy when  he  realizes  he's  making
   Barrett ,Junior Dave Allen, John Miller,   that extra buck for college next year. He
   graduate  Amy Enewold, Sophomores   works at  Younkers at  Oak View Mall.
   April  Crow,  Kristen  Robinson,  and   (Jon Waller)
                                                                                  I     I
   Nicole  Brown.  ( Jennie Strohman)                                                             Student Life Divider   7
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