Page 121 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 121

Samson, Michaelyn
                                                                                                        Sandoval, Sarah
                                                                                                        Santo, Erica
                                                                                                        Scardina, Daniel
                                                                                                        Scavio, Regina
                                                                                                        Schenk, Brian
                                                                                                        Schlichting, Sara

                                                                                                        Schoenecker,  Brian
                                                                                                        Scholz,  Stephanie
                                                                                                        Schultz, Robert
                                                                                                        Schwenk, Mark
                                                                                                        Seiberling, Megan
                                                                                                        Sekera, David
                                                                                                        Shanahan, Lori

                                                                                                        Shannon, John
                                                                                                        Sharp, Heather
                                                                                                        Shepherd, Natalie
                                                                                                        Sherman, Tricia
                                                                                                        Shibata, Juliane
                                                                                                        Shiverdecker, Nathan
                                                                                                        Siepker, Angela

                                                                                                        Siff, Brian
                                                                                                        Simon, Nickolas
                                                                                                        Simons, William
                                                                                                        Siref, Larry
                                                                                                        Sizer, Stacie
                                                                                                        Si zer, Tracie
                                                                                                        Skomal, Jennifer

   Kick  Up Your  Heels, Give It a Spin

    ''A«                        taught at 7 p.m., and lessons lasted  for any of the country  ~usic,  all you

               yo" g"Y' <eody  to
    learn  the  Indian  Outlaw?  First I   for  about 20 minutes.  After people  had to do was wait until 9:30 rolled
    want  everyone  to  get into straight   learned the  dance, the  instructor  around. You  could hear music from
    lines  across  the  dance floor.  Now,   moved  out of the way and  dancers  all your favorite rap/alterative artist.
    you are going to start with both your   began.             At this  time most everyone in  the
    feettogether.  Next,  point your right   Many students went regu-  whole place was up and dancing on
    foot  straight  out  to  the  right side,   larly  every weekend. "I started to go  the floor, and this lasted for the last
    then  bring  it  back  in,  leaving your   to Guitars in December, and I have  30 minutes.  After I 0  p.m  people
    knee  out.   Repeat  this  two more   been going ever since," said junior  start clearing out,  because if you
    times.  Now  let's  all  try  this on the   Jeff Slobotski.  "I  love going to   were not 21 , you  had to leave.
    count  of three.  Okay, let's get some   Guitars because  of all  the different   Besides dancing there were
    slow  music  going.  Ready,  follow   people that I  meet there.  It's just  also other activities. They had four
    me,  one,  two , three ... "  These were a   some place where my friends and I   pool tables which many people stood
    few  thing s  one  might have heard   go to do something  different," said  and  waited in  line for,  just for  a
    when  he or  she  went to Guitars and   senior  Lindsey Driscoll.   chance to get a game in.  Also, there
    Cadillacs  on  Sunday nights during   Food was another draw. At  were two darts boards for people that
    family  night.              7 p.m,  teens  were able to get free   wanted to test their ability.
         At  five  o'clock Guitars  pizza from Godfather's  Pizza which   If you just love line danc-
    started  playing  the  music which   catered  every Sunday and Monday.  ing,  you could return for more of
    many  people  danced to  until  they   The cost of the pizza was paid for   Guitars on their second family night
    starte d the  teaching of a line dance.   with the required $4 cover charge.  on Mondays. All the same activies
    The  teaching  of one line dance was   If you weren't in  the mood  were repeated.  0
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