Page 122 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 122

Small, Ryan
                  Smith, Rebecca
                  Sorensen, Ryan
                   Sorenson, Ion
                    Sorum, Matt
              Spagnuolo, Michelle
                Spargen, Eli zabeth

                 Spencer, Amber
                 Spencer, Maggie
                 Sprague, Kri stin
                   Staack, Jacob
               Stansbury,  Matthew
                   Steele, Kevin
                 Stemm, Danielle

                  Stice, Brandon
                   Stelzer, Scott
                  Stu bbe, Aaron
                  Swan, Bradley
                   Tanner, Jason
                  Tatreau, Jason
                 Taylor, Rebecca

                 Teegarden, Beth
                  Thomas, Emery
                 Thomas,  Jessica
                  Ti chauer, Randi
                Timanus,  Anthony
                  Timmons,  Jodi
                 Tomczak, Megan

                Trauernicht, Anna
                Trautscho ld , Katie
                   Trouba, Kara
                   Turner, Mark
                  Turner, Patrick
                   Tyler, Jennifer
                  Uithoven, Jamie

                    Unrau,  Ryan
               Vanderkolk, Heather
                                                                        Gum Satisfies Most

                                                                       I   t's sticky, you can find it under-  traditional  Bubble  Yum.  " I chew

                                                                        neath your desk, and it makes a lot of  Bubble  Yum Sherbert,  because  it
                                                                        noise when it's being chewed. Com-  tastes good and  the flavor doesn 't
                                                                        monly known as  gum,  it  sati sfied   run out  that quick," freshman  Kim
                                                                        taste buds of many, calmed the ner-  Kostszewa said.
                                                                        vousness  of others, and may  have   Still others believed that chew·
                                                                        irritated those who detested its noise  ing gum  helped  with  nervousness.
                                                                        when chewed.                   "I have to  be chewing Trident gum
                                                                             However, each person had his   or eating  some kind of hard  candy
                                                                        or her reasons for chewing it.  "Big   like Jolly Ranchers, when I'm taking
                                                                        Red is my favorite because the fl avor  a  test  to  keep my  mind  off being
                                                                        lasts  longer  than any  other brand,"   nervous,"  senior Cassi Timmons
                                                                        junior  Matt Crites  said.  Yet others  said.
                                                                        chose a more fruitier taste like Juicy   So if you chose to  chew  gum
                                                                        Fruit. " Juicy Fruit is the best kind of  because of a  nervous  habit  or  for
                                                                        gum that has  a  tangy after taste,"  pure chewing satisfaction, no matter
                                                                        sophomore Adam Kavan  said. Then   what fl avor you liked there was  al·
                                                                        there were the die hard fans  of the   ways a brand  for you.O
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