La Rúbrica


Criteria (10pt per)

15+, impressive range, appropriately used
12-15, adequate range, mostly appropriate
10-12, basic yet appropriate
6-10, basic with frequent errors
limited use, errors impede understanding
health grammar
abundant use of ser/estar, hace+time, doler, very few errors
several uses of ser/estar, hacer+time, doler, few errors
may have few correct uses of 1 of the following: ser/estar, hacer+time, doler
few accurate or attempted uses of ser/estar, hacer+time, doler

does not use or uses incorrectly ser/eatar, hacer+time, doler

overall grammar (exámenes)
verbs used correctly, structures almost always correct, flows
verbs used mostly correctly with few errors, structures mostly ok, flow rarely interrupted
some verbs have errors, errors in structures don't greatly hurt meaning
frequent errors in verbs and structures often hurt meaning

verb use and structural errors make it very hard to follow or completely confuse meaning

pronunciation/flow (exámenes)
very native sounding pronunciation, natural pauses and rhythm
always comprehensible pronunciation, some level of flow
not always comprehensible, pronunciation errors and struggles with intonation/flow
not always comprehensible, English-sounding pronunciation, little intonation
mostly difficult to understand, several pronunciation errors, doesn't flow naturally
creative, researched ideas, ties together, script complete, cultural perspective integrated, rehearsal apparent
somewhat creative, some research, mostly ties together, script complete, cultural perspective mostly integrated, some rehearsal
adequate ideas with some research, not much risk taking or going beyond expectations, script adequate, superficial cultural aspects - in 1-2 parts, little rehearsal
ideas somewhat underdeveloped, seems pieced together, script a bit incomplete, culture weak or incorrect, little rehearsal
limited ideas, pieced together, missing a lot, script incomplete, no culture or disrespectful, little to no rehearsal
technical issues (exámenes)
clear recording, uploaded correctly on time, sounds just like a radio show, sound effects and special touches
clear recording, uploaded correctly on time, sounds mostly like a radio show, some sound effects
mostly clear recording, uploaded mostly correctly - emailed or otherwise delivered on time, but not on my gcast, sounds like a good school project
somewhat clear recording, may be fuzzy, turned in incorrectly, on time though, sounds like a school project
somewhat clear, may be fuzzy recording, turned in late, sounds like a boring report
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Proyecto: ¡Salud!