Page 13 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 13

Freshmen Liz Goodbrake gets back into the swing of
         things while reading a book in  Forensics.
          (Michelle Bert)

                                                                                        The food machines were a popular place to be between
                                                                                         periods.  On  the  first  day  Freshmen  Allan  Spary
                                                                                         makes a quick stop for a pop.  (Ted Graham)

                                                                                         Lockers were a great place to sit with your friends or
                                                                                         do your homework. Sophmores Jamie  Shafer, Jenny
                                                                                         Cadmus , Jenny Failla, and Jaclyn Landa spend time
                                                                                         together before school. ( Ted Graham)

                                                School Has Earlier Start

                                                        The  rush  of  people, slamming of   being back in  session ."
                                                 freshly painted lockers, new styles of clothes,   However,  having a  half day gave
                                                 and  saying hellos filled the halls. The day  students a chance to spend a short time at
                                                 had come whether one  was ready or not!   school, check out their classes, meet their
                                                        How did students feel  about com-  teachers, and see their friends again.
                                                 ing to school on  Aug. 17?  " I thought it was   On the second day, there was at least
                                                 the  last first  day of  high  school  I'll  ever  one thing that went through a freshman's
                                                 have.  It was a good feeling,"  Senior Tera   mind- UPPERCLASSMEN!" I  was kinda
                                                 Hocevar said.  Sophomore Troy  Crowe,   nervous, because a lot of kids were there,
                Jolene Lundgren I                too, said, "The first day of school was nice,   and  I  was  the  youngest,"  said  Freshman
                  Dana King                      in that I could see all my friends after a short  Mark Magruder.
                                                 summer!"                                     Sometimes students worried whether
                                                       After the  summer of  relaxing,  no   classes would be  harder than junior high.
                                                 homework, tests, or quizzes to worry about,   Freshman Ted  Lange said," I wasn't wor-
                                                 it  was  hard  to  get  back  into  the  hang  of   ried  about coming to a new school, though
                                                 things again.                           I thought the classes would be harder; actu-
                                                      The idea of  having the first day only  ally they are quite easy."  The first day back
                                                 half  of  the day lifted  some spirits!  Senior  to  school had to  come , but once it  was all
                                                 Ryan  Scholz  said,  "  It  gave  us  time  to   over  ,  the  new  was  now  old,  and  most
                                                 adjust to school again."  Junior  Leeann Re   students had settled into the regular school
                                                 said,  "  It  was hard to  get back to  school   routine.
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