Page 15 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 15

Admiring the  Charllottenburg castle  in Berli n,  Ger-
                                           many this summer on their trip to Europe are Seni ors
                                           Kate Jones and Brenda Randall!.
    Junior  Heather Tunink enj oys her days working  at
    Henry  Doorly  Zoo.  Her job even involves using her
    strength , like  holding Jaws, a 75 lb.  python.

    During  a trip to  Eu rope, Senior  Brett Howey
    wanders  through a cemetery in  Paris and stops at
    a spot  20  yards from Jim  Morrison's, the leader of
    the  Doors , grave. (Doug Thomas)

                                          Summer Yet  Unforgettable

                                                  From the day the students got out  definitely the  best moment from  summer,"
                                           for  summer, they  had  to  begin  cramming  they said.
                                           their days full  of good times and memories    Spending a special time with family
                                           since last summer was  a week shorter.   was  Senior Dawn  Chadwell's  unforget-
                                                  For the next78 days, independence  table moment.  " I was the maid of honor at
                                           and freedom were rediscovered.  The stu-  my sister's wedding, but to tell you the truth,
                                           dents found that this  was  a time for great  I was the slave of honor.  She made me wait
                                           times, and ones that could not be forgotten.  on her hand and foot and be at her beck and
                                                  These times made up  25% of the   call! "
                                           year  for  the  students,  while  the  other   Besides  being  with  friends  and
                                           75%was spent in  school.                family, the summer was a time to relax and
                                                  A special moment for Junior Kara   enjoy some spare time by oneself.  Senior
                                           Gilbreath  was  "seeing  Tyron,  a  Navajo  Tysie Rogers said, " I enjoyed sitting back
                                           Indian boy, smile as we let him hold a small   and  relaxing  while thinking about the  fact
                -   Jill Hoover            paint brush  while  renovating his  home in   that I was going to  be  a senior!"
                                           Utah."                                         Of course, a new school year came
                                                  Others had fun , unforgettable mo-  up in  a flash  and thoughts of next summer
                                           ments with their friends. Seniors  Mike Stott   were looked ahead to.  Also, knowing that
                                           and  Matt Swagler remember theirs when   the summer  would definitely be longer than
                                           they went  to Ogallala/Lake McConaughy  last was, this only could mean more great,
                                           with  four guys  and  no  parents .  "  It  was   fun , and memorable moments to come.
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