Page 269 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 269

Being  a  couple  for  quite  some  time  had  its
                                                                               advantages for  Seniors  Becky  Leach  and  Mike
                                                                               Howland.  The couple was  elected Duchess and
                                                                               Duke , which  added yet another highlight to  their
                                                                               "Night Above the  Clouds. "
                                                                               Enjoying  their  "Night  Above  the  Clouds"  are
                                                                               Sophomore  Janna Dasenbrock  and  Senior  Ivan
                                                                               Rivera.  The  romantic  atmosphere  added  to  the
                                                                               specialness of the  evening.

                                                                               Senior Laura Swan said, "The decora-
      Opinions                            The event:  Prom!  The night was antici-  tions  just  weren't the  same  as  what
                                          pated for a long time, and it was the one
                                          time  of  the year that students spent "A
                                                                               people led  me  to believe."
                                          Night Above the Clouds."                    Despite  those  who  were  un-
      of  •A  Night                       many students, both  male and  female.   romantic and  full  of surprises.  Senior
                                                 Preparations began  early  for  happy,  many  found  the  room  to  be
                                          Once  the  dresses  and  tuxedos  were
                                          bought,  dinner reservations  had  to  be   Mike Howland and his girlfriend Becky
                                                                               Leach  were  elected  Duke  and  Duch-
      Above  the                          made,  tickets  purchased,  flowers  or-  ess.  As Howland said,  "It was my first
                                          dered, and plans made for after the dance .  prom,  and  I thought that the  decora-
                                          It was quite common for girls to help their  tions were  incredible.  When  we  won
      Clouds·                             dates out with expenses, and those who   Duke and Duchess it was a terrific high-
                                          asked guys to  Prom often paid for every-
                                                                               light to the night." The castle at the front
                                                                               of the room  took at least eight hours to
  I                                       compared their expectations of Prom  to   board  members decorated the day of
                                                 As  the  dance  began  students  put  together by  the  JCB;  many of  the
                                          the reality of it.  Some were disappointed  prom  from 8 a.m.  to  5 p.m.
                                          for a various number of reasons. Senior
                                                                                      Although there were mixed feel-
                                          Olivia  Bennett  said,  "I was  expecting
                                                                               ings  about the  dance, the  efforts  put
                                          something great and exciting, but it  just  forth by  all  still  allowed "A Night Above
           -    Jenny Winkler
                                          didn 't live up to my expectations.  I thought  the  Clouds"  to  be  a  success.  The
                                          it was more of a dressed-up  social than a  preparations added to the anticipation
             The  night:  April  third.  The   dance." Despite the hours of preparation  and  excitement, which created an  am-
      mindset: excited, nervous, and slightly   from  the  Junior Class  Board,  others  biance of  romance that everyone, dis-
      overwhelmed.  The  occasion: formal.   were  anticipating different decorations.  appointed or not,  could appreciate.
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