Page 75 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 75
Volunteering Benefits All
-Jenny Winkler
The opportunities for of the political campaigns. AI- could obtain one elective credit and they also sent members to
volunteering in the community though the 10 hours were re- for every 15 hours of service. work at the other volunteer op-
were significant for students. quired, schools around the na- Students involved in this helped portunities. The objective of the
Whether it was through Civics tion were moving that number out at Henry Doorly Zoo, Chalco club was to involve students in
class , the independent commu- up to 75 or 125 total hours for Hills , Clarkson Hospital, Outdoor the community to experience the
nity service class, or the Volun- the four years of high school. Ed. , and elementary school tu- joys of helping others through
teer club , volunteering was a Social Studies teacher and vol- taring. For many students the volunteer work.
common occurrence among stu- unteer coordinator Bev John- reward of helping others was Each student who vol-
dents. son said , "I did not believe that greater than that of getting credit unteered had many opportuni-
Each senior was re- the high national requirements for the service. ties to discover more about
quired to serve 10 hours for Civ- were right because they were The Volunteer club also themselves and explore pos-
ics/Consumerism. Many stu- asking organizations to take kids did many things to benefit the sible career choices. However,
dents worked in food pantries, who did not really want to be community. They were respon- Johnson said, "The most im-
helped at the Corporate Cup there in the first place." sible for a clothing drive to ben- portant aspect of volunteering
Run , gift wrapped at Oak View Johnson was also the efit people in Nicaragua, they was that it allowed people to see
Mall , went door to door on Honey advisor for the new Community helped at the Siena/Francis something bigger than them-
Sunday , and worked on several Service course in which students House and Open Door Mission, selves."
Thurston, Geren
Tichauer, Cory
Tramontozzi, Karen
Troia, Carrie
Tuel, Brian
Tully, Jennifer
Uden, Wendy
Urban, Angela
VanDerWerff, Kimberly
Vanis, Craig
VanMoorleghem, Richard
Vannoy, Bryan
VanWinkle, Kari
Vint, Timothy
Vogel, Jason
Vogel, John
VonSeggern, Jon
Wakefield, Jolene
Waller, Jonathan
Wandel, Rebecca