Page 78 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 78

Eating Outside Ocassionally,

                                             Parking in Lot Top Privileges

                                                                    -   Ashley Pixton/Caren Friedman
                                                  For seniors who had spe-  choosing classes,  MOC, and   The Bold and the Beautiful,  and
                                             cial  privileges last year, eating   prom.  The  catch  to  parking   All My Children  before I went to
                                             outside  may have  seemed  in-  was  the  $20 fee .  "Being able  work,"  said  Junior  Tanya
                                             significant.  However, for  jun-  to  drive to  school was  one  of   Andersen.
                                             iors, it  was a big  deal  because  the  best  parts  of  my  junior   Prom too,  was a perk for
                                             this  was  the  first  year  it  was  year,"  said Junior Dulcie Hol-  juniors.  They could  finally  ask
                                             officially permitted.  "I  loved  land.                   the date of their dreams, no mat-
                                             eating  outside.  It  was  much      Juniors also had fewer  ter  what  grade  or  school  they
                                             better than  the crowded, noisy  requ ired  classes to  take, and   we re in .  "I thought it  was cool
                                             cafeteria. The atmosphere out-  they  could  come late  second  that I could  ask my  friend  from
                                             side  was  more  conducive to   hour or leave early seventh hour  Prep to Prom ,"  said Junior Julie
                                             eating,"  said  Junior Darrin  if  they had  a study hall  during   Jaspersen.
                                             Brown.                        those hou rs.  "Having  seventh     With so  many new privi-
                                                    _Juniors  had other privi-  hour off  was  great because I  leges, junior year offered  variety
                                             leges  such  as  parking  on  the   had time to watch my tapes of  to the  class's school  and  social
                                             school  lot,  more  freedom  in   The Young and the Restless,  lives.

                Even though my classes
                were  harder,  at least I
                was     not  a       little
                underclassman .
                  - Junior Leslie Golbitz

                Junior year was a lot like
                riding  a bicycle, only it
                is  a  lot harder to  put
                playing cards in  the
                spokes.                                                    Juniors  Kara  Gilbreath,  Kevin
                   -Junior Matt Latacha                                    Bernard y, and Jodi Brehmer relax  on
                                                                           the  patio aft er finishing  their lunches.
                                                                           (Nikki Collier)              Junior All ison  Lindhjem chooses to ea
                                                                                                        lunch inside instead of outside.  All  fooc
                                                                                                        purchased  in  cafeteria  must  be  eater
                                                                                                        inside.  (Dana Zucker)

                7  4   Junior Divider
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