Page 77 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 77

Violence  Cuts  Season  Short                                                             Senior Ben Grojean goes up for a lay up
                                                                                             over  Senior  Michelle  Cadmus.  The
                                                                                             Pyuseclits  were  ranked  second,  while
                                                                                             GLOB finished last.  (Jenny McCarthy)
                               -   K.J.  Ridley/Kyle Marler

          Bumps,  bites,  and  of Basketball) was at the bottom   rivalry."  TSP,  who  started  the
    bruises  were  the  name  of  the  of  the  league  posting  an  0-9   season  2-0, lost their next seven
    game  in  intramurals this season  record.  The Faculty won  it  all   games.
    instead  of  good clean fun.   with  an  undefeated record, but   In the Junior league the
          The  intramural season  not  without  heavy competition  Fu-shnikens and The Fat Lady
    was  cut  short  because of  too  from  the  Court Masters whose  Sings finished with a tie for first
    many  fights  and  arguments.  only loss came from the Faculty.  place.  EMFA was edged out by
    There  were  five  incidents that  The Pyusclites and the Montana  SCWATN for first  place  in  the
    involved  rough  housing  in  the   State Ministers of Death, the only  Sophomore league.  SCWATN
    senior  league alone.  Senior Ed   two teams who  have been  to-  was  2-1  against  EMFA which
    Nadurata  said , "People took this   gether for all four years, finished  proved to be the deciding factor
    thing  too seriously so there were  third  and  fourth.  Senior Chad   for its trophy.
    a  lot of pushing and shoving this  Brown was wishing for a Mon-  Even  though  the
    year."                       tana  State  and  Pyusclite  intramurals gave non-varsity
          There  were  ten  teams  matchup but never got it, 'That  players a chance to  exploit their
    in  the  Senior  league which  in-  would  have  been  the  biggest  basketball  talent,  violence in
    cluded , for the first time, an all girl   game of the season because it  the league may have shattered
    team.  GLOB  (Gorgeous  Ladies   was like an Oklahoma/Nebraska  intramural competition next year.

                                                                                          Woods, Jeff
                                                                                           Woods, Ryan
                                                                                           Worthington, Julie
                                                                                           Wozny, Sean
                                                                                           Wylie, Sara

                                                                                           Ziepke, Brian
                                                                                           Zychowski, Katheryn
                                                                                           Zymola, John Jr.
                                                                                           Chalupnik, Scott

                      John, Kevin
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82