Page 6 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 6
Future, in Students' Hands,
Ready for the Taking
$ tudents entered the school year with the future in their
hands. What they were going to do with it was their choice.
_ Most students knew what to expect out of the school
year-teachers and their nasty little habit of handing out assign-
ments, new friends, old friends, the longing for the weekend or
next break to come and come quickly. Of course coming a step
closer to deciding what to do and where to go after those high
school experiences brought the future even closer.
Whether these experiences were just beginning or coming
to an end, the choices and decisions students made had an
"Everything I'm doing ill).pact on the future in many aspects. The things they did, the
now is a head start on people they met, the classes they took, and the way they
my medical career and competed, all affected their future.
The school faced its last year of cluttered and jammed
everything I plan to hallways and classrooms that it had become accustomed to over
achieve in the future. " the last few years, because Millard West was in the future.
Joining in on the preparation for the future, quite abun-
--Senior Amy Chiou dantly, was none other than the dreaded construction crews!
Construction had always been existent around the school, and
this year was no different. The construction crews too, were just
taking the future in their hands and preparing for the growth of
With all of this going on and the approaching of the 21st
century, what would the future have in store for them? That,
they may not have had the answer for, but they did realize that
this was the year to begin SHAPING THE FUTURE. a