Page 9 - 1995.Millard.North
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.fl s the world around MN grew and changed, students
took the initiative to SHAPE THE FUTURE of their world as
they themselves grew and changed.
New growth appeared in such service related clubs as
V.I.A. (Volunteers in Action) and U.N.I.T.I. (a multi cultural
awareness club). The addition of the Drug Free Team showed
students growth in the area of drug awareness, mainly in the area
of alcohol abuse among teens. The world also continued to
focus its attentions on evironmental concerns, cultural, and
health issues.
MN also physically changed as Omaha grew in its contin- "I've spent time
ued expansion to the west. During the summer road construe:: challenging myself
tion changed and expanded 144th Street around MN and contin- intellectually so. that I
ued into the beginning of the school year. This caused a few will be equipped to meet
problems with entering and exiting MN until the changes all of the demands and
became familiar. revolutions of the
New housing developements popped up all over Omaha.
Population growth in the Omaha area lead to the building of future."
Millard West to alleviate a student crowding problem at both
MN and MS. As Millard West prepared for its 1995-1996 --Junior Dean Mueggenberg
school year opening newsletters were sent to the future students.
Students' chose school colors and a mascot. Students that lived
within the MW district prepared to leave MN for a new school.
These opportunities showed themselves as ways for stu-
dents to shape the future of the world and their lives. As always
growth and change was SHAPING THE FUTURE. o