Page 11 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 11
St ife
As students looked going to school-sponsored activi- for students and faculty involved
ahead to their future, what they ties. in those activities. Planning for
were doing now was impacting Weekends, however, Homecoming or Prom began the
their future. were the time that most students year before. Plays and Musicals
It was now more impor- looked forward to during the entire fed on the talents of students as
tant than ever to make every mo- week. Weekends provided more well as taking up a considerable
ment count. Everything from aca- time to do homework, to sleep, to amount of students time with re-
demic concerns to just hanging hang out, work, or basically just hearsals and auditions. Sports also
out was equally important. relax. Though the weekends pro- consumed a lot of students' time.
With all of these impor- vi ded lots of time to finish home- Practices and tournaments were one
tant things, students never seemed work and other school activities of the many ways that students
to run out of things to accomplish. students usually spent the week- learned how to deal with competi-
School days were packed full with end trying to pack a whole week's tion and personalities.
classes, clubs and other extracur- worth of relaxation into two days These activities, whether
ricular activities to keep students and two nights. they were school related or not,
busy. Time spent out of school Planned events such as were ways in which students were
was usually spent doing home- Homecoming and school plays also SHAPING THE FUTURE . •
work, hanging out, working or consumed a large amount of time .i!a/laj~
Seniors Jodie Erbe and Kari Prine spent part
of their summer camping at nearby Mahoney
State Park. It was a favorite pl ace of MN
students. (Keeley Kenefick)