Page 36 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 36
Goddard with a little entertainment while she Lyrics Often Influence
A Walkman provide s So phomore Melanie
worked on her homework. (Melinda DeStefano)
Students Views on Music
Listening to and playing music has great impact on students
• Tanya Patry •
Music has always been a major spiritual faith.
part of teenagers lives , but as the cen- Not all students found that lyri·
sorship wars raged on, many have be- had any special meaning. Said Fres
come even more aware what they are man Kirt Robinson " A lot of the musi<
listening to. have heard tells you to kill your mo
Some students believed that lyr- and stuff, but it's not that people to ~
ics were the most important part of any of that seriously anyway. The mu~
music. "A song would not be a song is in the creativity of the artists, not tr
without them," saidSeniorlaminda words they use ."
Many of these students had fa- Still , the majority of students or
vorite songs that reflected their views on even some staff members disagreE
life. Senior Chris Biga listened to "Pray with censorship. Social Studies teach
Your Gods" by Toad The Wet Sprocket Carmen Grow sa id that while she b
every night before bed. r-le letthe verse lived music should not be censorec
"Is that they fear the pain of death or "artists needed to be more responsit
could it be that they fear the joys of life" in what they said. Sometimes they d
reassure the actions he made during a not realize just how many people thE
day. affected."
Other students turned to writing, Whether or not students paid c
rather than listening to lyrics to express tention to lyrics, the songs they listened
themselves. Senior Rebecca Bolam continued to be contoversial, and ap
wrote the song "l 000 Different Pictures" thy never was present when their sourc
about how she feels about her life and of entertainment was threatened.
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. \ . and vocalist for the band Canv
Apple. Senior Ethan Silrum, plays one of the son
that he and his band mates wrote. The band t
to make all oftheirsongs bothfunand meaningf
(Jon Waller)
Before playing the song "Imagine" by John Lennon.
Sophomore Melinda DeStefano reads through the
3 2 lyrics to comprehend the song. (Melanie Goddard)
Music and Music Lyrics