Page 34 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 34

Friendships  Meaning

                                                       More  Than  Just  a Hug

                                                       Friendship:    the  state  or quality  of being  friends.

                                                                                     • Marci Levine  •
                                                             I need your  help!   Can You  be-  the top of the list.   Although student:
                                                        lieve he did that?  These  and other  agreed, others  came up with  differen
                                                        similar  phrases  commonly came from  ones.  Junior Lori  Bybee looked fo
                                                        the mouths  of friends.   Friends  meant  someone who was  loyal,  while  Fresh
                                                        many things  to each other, had differ-  manScott Meredith  tried  to find  peoplE
                                                        ent qualities  and traits,  and did several   who treated others  with  consideration
                                                        things  together.                      Easy  to talk  to and fun  loving  was  wha
                                                                A friend  could be many things .  Senior  Paul  Jacobson hoped to find
                                                        "Someone who one could tell  every-    However Junior  Blake  Ohloff  looked fo
                                                        thing to and know that the person  would  someone who had his  own ideas,  c
                                                        not tell  everyone else, "  said  Senior  Am  person  who was  unique and not a  fol
                                                        Fisher .  Junior  Jon  Small  agreed and  lower.
                                                        said  that a  friend  was  "someone who       Many students , including  Sopho
                                                        could be trusted."   A  friend  was  the  more  James Abbot,  went to the mall
                                                        person  that understood one's   prob-  hung out,  and saw  movies together
                                                        lems  and could sympathize  with  what  "Friends  also  played cards or  partici
                                                        one would  be going said  according to  pated in  a  sport,"  said  Abbot.  Sopho
                                                        FreshmanCarl  Ulrich .                 more  Coren  Friendman  and her  grour:
                                                               Just  being there was  also  im-  of friends  had a  unique practice the)
                                                        portant  to some  people.  Senior  Holly   did often.  "We  would write  down thing
                                                        Friedman  enjoyed sitting  down with  her   that represented  our  friendship .  At thE
                                                        friends and talking for hours  about  end of the year, we would put togethe1
                                                        everything.  "My friends  were compas-  a  memory book."
                                                        sionate  people that I loved to be with       Going out,  giving  moral  support
                                                        and by taking the time to talk,  we  and just  being there  were  some  of thE
                                                        became better friends ."               guidelines  of a  friend.  Although time!
                                                               Students  also  wanted a  variety  were often rough and full  of trouble
                                                        of traits  in  their  friends .   A good sense   friends  stuck  together and made thE
                                                        of humor and similar  interests  were at  best  of every  moment.

                As  many students  rush  to arrive  on  time  for  all  of
                their  classes .  Juniors  Jeff Furst  and Carrie  Troia
                make time to talk.  (Melanie Goddard)
               It  is  seldom that friends  were placed in  classes
               together.  When  this  did occur. mends  always  had
               a  study  partner or  someone to chat with.  Jerad
               Holmes  and Josh  Gehring  take advantage of this
               while working on  a  class  project.  (Melanie
               An  active listener  is  a  strong  point that students
               look  for  in  a  mend.  Sophomores  Carolyn  Taggart
               and Amy Roberts  make sure  to  listen  to their  mend
               during  school.   (Melinda DeStefano)

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