Page 37 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 37
10, ltl rt~l~ns
MTVis Good
Food For the
10. Scantily clad women do wonders to relax me.
- senior Matt Williams
9 .The Public Service announcements make it both
fun and informative about social issues. -social
studies teacher Kristy Larsen
8. You get to see EVERYTHING!.-freshman Ben
7. It gives you a diversity of music, rather than
being focused on one kind (even though rap is the
best!) - senior Seana McKendry
6."Headbangers Ball."-freshman Mike
5. Rock and roll is the appetizer but "YO! - MTV
Raps" is the main course- junior Kevin Ridley
4. "120 Minutes"-freshman Amy Alvano
3.It provides an atmosphere not provided on PBS.
-senior Jauron Leefers
2.Pauly Shore. -senior Valerie Arms
1. Because I can't get any other kind of food in my
house. -freshman Heather Jensen
'N Roses has always been ยท for At ma ny area record Parental Advisory stickers
what critics called "crude and uncalled for lyrics" restricted students under the age of eighteen, like
Despite this their double album releases. "Use Your Senior Traci Gleason, from buying many of the
Illusion I and II" entered the Billboard's charts at the albums they wanted. (Valerie Arms)
top. (RM Photo Service)