Page 32 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 32

Many students considered Central Park  Mall  a
               fun place to hang out.  The  park also  provided   Omaha  Hot  Spots  Differ
               a nice place to relax.  (Heather Thomas)

                                                          Depending  on  Individual

                                                                                       •Natasha Major•
                                                              "There's  always  places to go   like  to go to the Con-Agra fountain in
                                                       and people to see,"  said  Junior  Jen-  the Old  Market area. It  is  really  neat
                                                       nifer  Eck . But  just  where that hot spot   and peaceful," said  Haney.  Hot  Spots
                                                       was,  varied from  student to student   were also  intended to help  students
                                                       and class  to class .  One thing was    relax  from  the  hassles   of  school.
                                                       certain, that there was  indeed that   Junior  Dana King  said ,  "I enjoy riding
                                                       one particular  spot that was  right for   horses,  so  I go to the Diamond Head
                                                       them.                                   Ranch.  I go there to get away from  it
                                                              Freshman  Liz  Wilson  said,  "I   all. "
                                                       like  to  go to the new Oak View Mall          While some are at the new
                                                       and just  hang out with  all  my friends .   mall or in the heart of Omaha. Others
                                                       We  usually  meet and all  go shopping   are thinking of the more wild side of
                                                       together."  The  Oak View  Mall,  which   Omaha.  Senior Sean O'Hanlon said,
                                                       opened in  October, was  a  favorite to   "I  enjoy taking a  competitive game
                                                       many students.  Sophomore Nichole      of lawn darts every now and then in
                                                       Lehan  said,  "I like  going to the new   the old back yard!"  Junior Melissa
                                                       mall.  It's  great  because it's  so  close   Florio  said,"My friends  and I  enjoy
                                                       to  my house."  While some stay  out at   spending the night on roof-tops."
                                                       the new mall,  others  enjoy the heart         Omaha hot spots  definitely
                                                       of Omaha.  The  Old Market was  a  hot   varied, but it just took a creative mind
                                                       spot  for  Junior Stephanie Haney.  "I   to determine w here exactly was hot .
                                                                                                                  .... '\f'.-\   ~



               Central Park  Mall  provides  Senio r Kristen  Knig ht
               a place to go to  relive  her childhood.  (Heather
               Thomas)                                                                                                             I

                                                       ""Paint  the town,"  was  more than just an expression
                                                       for  Omaha.  Wall  murals  could be seen  all  over
                                                       making the city all  the more beautifui.(AI/ison

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