Page 7 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 7

Music  is  the way that Senior  Rebecca
  Bolam  chose  to express  herself.   The                   School  Changes
  resul1s  of writing  and playing her own
  original  work  are in  and of themselves
  one shining  moment.  (Christina
  Hooper)                                                    Affect Students

                                                                               •  Tanya  Patry  •
                                                                         As  the second decade of
                                                                 MN's  existence  began,  students
                                                               worked  through the changes of the
                                                                past  to make the  1992  school  year
                                                                         One Shining  Moment.
                                                                       The  Omaha environment was
                                                                  constantly expanding, and with
                                                                 that came the arrivar  of a  larger
                                                                 freshman  class  than ever before,
                                                                  and trends  showed that Millard
                                                                  would  be growing even  more  in
                                                                               future  years.
                                                                        The  expansion  of the suburb
                                                                also  called for  the expansion  of the
                                                                district.   While  board members  en-
                                                                tertained the thoughts  of an addi-
                                                                  tional  high  school,  teachers and
                                                                classes  were added to provide for
                                                                       the additional students.
                                                                        Physical  changes within  the
                                                                school  from  previous  years  added
                                                                  to school  visually.     The  freshman
                                                                  and sophomore  lockers  were re-
                                                                placed 1n  1991  by larger  and more
                                                               eye-pleasing  ones  and the comple-
                                                                 tion  of the mural  in  the gym both
                                                                   added to the school's  appear-
                                                                         As  far  as  curriculum,  a  new
                                                                 course,  Japonese, was  offered to
                                                                                   .-.--.~ scope of
                                                                 learning,  and teachers  were cor.~­
                                                                stantly  aeveloping new and better
                                                                           ways  of reaching.
                                                                          Two  security  guaras  were
                                                                hired  in  addition to a1d  in  enforcing
                                                                       rules  around the building.
                                                                          In  all,  the  1992  school  year
                                                                QFS' 'idsd  gxgsriswsq  tss  re;  ·tos*s  +g

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