Page 12 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 12
students thought that it was important to decorate First Day Proves to be
their locker as soon as possible . Senior Tonya Elliot
stands by her locker. which is being decorated
with various pictures of Elvis Presley. (Mike Pysh)
Exciting, Challenging
Students and staff felt it was a day to start fresh
• Jenny Winkler 1 Ashley Pixton •
On August 20, the school was was finally their first day in high school.
calm, quiet. and serene. This was not to Freshman Michala Kendall said, "I was
last long; however, because the next nervous, but it wasn't as bad as I ex-
day, lockers were slamming , friends were pected."
chatting, and the rush of a new school The first day was exciting for
year was beginning. It was the FIRST DAY teachers as well. English teacher Deb
OF SCHOOL!!! Noseworthy said, "It was hectic, but it
For upperclassmen, the first day was also exciting because I got to try
was a day to get back into the swing of out a new curriculum and the new
things. For sophomores, it was the first D.O.A./Challenge English 10 combined
day to not be the youngest in school. As classes."
sophomore Mindy Martin said, "The The first day of school became
night before school started, I was just an opportunity to start over again. It
-thinking that I was glad I wasn 't going to was a day to get a new schedule, meet
be a freshman anymore!" For the fresh- new people, and the first opportunity to
men, it was a rite of passage. Junior high make new memories for the school
days were safely behind them, and this year.
While looking at the posted advisor room numbers .
Freshman Matt Jetter determines the room in
which he should pick up his schedule.( Cay Reade)
lhe first day of school brought many questions on
the part of students. Senior Erik Carlson asks
Guidance counselor Undo Shirck a quick question
about his schedule. (COIY Reade)
As students arrived at school. the first thing that
everyone had to do was pick up their schedule and
lock-er assignment . Juniors Alice Un, Cindy Chung,
Shannon Ernst . and Seniors Desiree Brent, Jim
Bennett, and Dan Hoss all patiently await being
handed their schedules by teachers Mr. quint and
Mr. Schnase. (Cory Reade)
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First Day of School