Page 9 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 9

Community Growth

                                                              Expands  Westward

                                                                                   • Valerie Arms•
                                                                        Along with  school  development,
                                                                came area development. Omaha had
                                                               grown tremendously through time into  a
                                                               well  established  community. The  nineties
                                                                  became the time  to stand  out in  the
                                                               crowd. That  One Shining  Moment came
                                                                           through in  many ways.
                                                                     At the beginning  of 1991  a  new post
                                                                 office was  built  at  Boys  Town,  located
                                                              approximately at 144th  &  Dodge.  Later  in
                                                                the year,a  new Jewish  synagogue was
                                                               built  near  144th  & Dodge.Oak View Mall
                                                              at 144th  & Center finalized  its  construction
                                                                 and became known  as  a  major area
                                                                 attraction in  Millard.  Plans  were on  the
                                                                  way for  a  medical center at 156th  &
                                                                Dodge and various  schools  were being
                                                                developed allowing Omaha to expand
                                                                 westward.  In  the northwest  section  of
                                                                   Millard,  Eagle  Run  Golf Course  was
                                                                      constructed with  an attached
                                                                            These  changes did call  for
                                                               adjustments.  With  the new mall  location,

                                                               !hx   tws  'sox    rp~ds Sl ro~nding the a roo
                                                                   became 1nsu  1c1en  .  enter Street
                                                              expanded into  four  lanes  and future  plans
                                                                   for  the expansion  of 144th  between
                                                                  Center and Pacific  were made. Four
                                                                 lanes  on  Dodge Street  were no longer
                                                               adequate, as  the road expanded into  six
                                                               'ssss  D  ?ss's  bscsms  s di' 'idsd  Wsbt, '?''
                                                                            from  1 08th  to Elkhorn.
                                                                      As  Omaha expanded, changes be-
                                                                   came apparent around the school.
                                                                 Through  these  additions students  had

                                                               more  of a  chance to look  back and  re-
                                                                 capture at least  One Shining  Moment.

    3ome  students  found that "making
    ·he grade" allowed them to shine
    Jbove  the  rest . Senior  Chrissy  Kuzaro
    akes  advantage of  a  free  period  to                                                                opening  5
    ~et ahead in  school.  (Mike Pysh)
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