Page 11 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 11

Seniors  Traci  Gleason. Kris  Roth . Andie   Seniors  Nikki  Lecuona.  Jenny Fleming ,   Taking advantage of their "senior  Though  some tried  to deny it, school
     Crane , Mindy  Bush . and Valerie  Arms   and  Kerri  Karm  get  a  different  privileges"  are Scott Moiler,  Brice   was a  big part of student life. Junior
     find  that  Rock  'n Roll  Runza  in  Uncoln   perspective when  studying.  The   Ballard, and Brian  Johnson. With  the   Derik  Hendrickson takes advantage
     gives  them a taste  of the past. not to   commons  area  provides   a   new mall's food court. students  were   of his  study hall.  so  he doesn't  get
     mention  those  old fashioned malts.   comfortable environment for seniors   given a  large range of choices for   behind in  classes .  (Jon  Waller)
      (Mara  Chadwick)            to relax  in.  (Mike  Pysh)   fast  food.  (Mike  Pysh)

                                As  students pushed into the second decade of their
         school's  existence, it  was more important than ever to make every aspect of their
      lives  stand out.  From  academic deadlines to the plethora of extra-curricular activities,
         students  never seemed to run  out of things  to do.  School days seemed to be filled
          with  homework and both sporting and club events, while weekends were full  of
       relaxation,  parties, and jobs.  If students took the initiative, there was always a  dance,
       play, show,  or club to be involved. To  leave the monotony of the school day behind.
       c;tudents  used their time not only to learn but to build on both talents and friendships.
                                         It seemed that the prime concern
                              of everyone involved was to make 1992  their best
                                     year yet, not just a  passing memory, but
                                                ONE SHINING MOMENT.
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