Page 75 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 75
DECA: Iron!- Tammy Swartz.Lisa Dunning.Heidi
Mac Donald .Stephanie Miley .Jennifer
Wagner Amy Enewold, Tammi Helligso.Jen Mikula:
second row - Gary Waldron.Kari Riofrio.Jauron Senior Amy Enewold stops to pose
Leefers.Deanna Frenk. Kim Stigge.Jared
Slmmons.KathyNauman.Chad with a a display. a big part of marketing
Boomgaorden.Layla Lavelle.Erin Glowacki.Jenni education. while shopping.
Thielen.MattFerguson .Traci Ross ; third row-Bianco Many members got into participating
Cox.KristenMassman .LayleOtt.ShellyEhlers.Michelle in fundraisers. such as the car wash
Alien.Melinda Raymond.Carlene Plummer.Brian
Llghlwine.Angie Lundquisi.Torey Eads.Pete held in Miracle Hills Plaza. Money
Bellinger .Nikki Allen.Laura Roblnson.Shannon Reiff; collected went to the Make-A-Wish
fourth row -Heather Gillette.Matt Brown.Lissa Foundation.
Wlebers.Megan Downey.Debbi Eades.Kim
Rlmlngton.Angie Urban.Jill Maas.Peggy
Sladovnik.Shandra Pettit.Kristen Kirk.Mike •
Covolo.Dan Watkins.Brian Johnson: fifth row-
Elizabeth Roman.Cyndi Felt.Robin Fleming.Jenny
Buelt.Nicole Littlewood.Dale Erdei.Collln
Goldfaden .Christine Hasse I man. Laura
Swan. Lisa B Ian k .Jacque I in e LeGros. Lou ro
Jacobsen; sixth row- Anne Pearson.Jeremy
Stork.Kelly Cari.BryanVonnoy.Karl West.Gory
Smlth.B randon Larson.Eric Goodwich.Jomi
Marvin.Christlne Ro th.Kelli Sheppord,Corrie
Buechler.Jason Rupp; seventhrow- Natalie
Smothers.Ami Slater.Kim Lorson.Jenniter
Cose.Melody Dennis.Bri on Ziepke.Brandon
Paeper.Bre tt Cook.Doug Holterman .Nathan Stog-
genborg.Kerry Lommers.Jessica Klotz; bock row-
Jeremy Anda.lvan Rivero.Dovid Bennett.Doug
Chlpman.John Anderson.Mike Leslie.Joe
Palermc.Bryan Simon.Steve Horley.Joy Ferguson.
Jeff Lewandowski,Joseph Morris. (Rick Billings
Photograph )I)
DECA More Than Leadership
• Debbi Eades •
Just what the heck is members to listen to lectures true," said Ross . son , and Junior Kim Stigge.
DECA? This is a question many on things such as what makes DECA members also Seniors Tammy Swartz and
members of the marketing a business work. Junior Jenny got to contributs. backstage Jen Wagner placed in the
club have heard. Good Buelt said, "It didn't so lely at a fashion show to celebrate top three of their events. This
answers to this could be lead- concentrate on DECA We the Younker's Grand Open- being her firsLcompetition,
ersh ip, fun, or experience. learned about ourselves and ing at Oak View MaiL In Senior Stacy Wilkinson said,
Students got the the business world." addition, the mall opening "I took it all pretty seriously ,
chance to be a part of DECA A big partofDECAwas gave the chances to help out and I was really nervous."
by enrolling in either Fash ion its contribution to the Make- with a car-giveaway registra- From there, some
Merchandising, Marketing I, A-Wish Foundation. Make-A- tion and dress up in animal went on to Lincoln for State
or Marketing II. Membership Wish was an organization that costumes to welcome people in March. Nationals were
was earned by simply sell ing literally granted wishes toter- at the door. Some were also held in Anaheim, California.
Pleasure Pacs and Happen- minally ill children. DECA, able to aid in decorating Oak With over l 00 mem-
ings books. Class reps were through the help of a car wash View for Christmas. They were bers in DECA , many of them
then elected in the classes to and bowlathon fundraiser, given an hourly wage for their had different expectations
report from officer meetings. was able to give about $1300. personal DECA accounts. and aims. Some wanted to
President was Senior Stepha- Advisors Traci Ross and Gary Districts Competition compete; some just wanted
nie Miley, Vice Presidents Waldron received a letter was held at Southroads Mall in to be a part of the club. Said
were Sen iors Lisa Dunning, notifying them that the money January where several placed Junior Kim Rimington,
Amy Enewold, Tammi Hel- sent seven-year old Jonathan in the top eight oftheir events. "Though I'd really like to
ligso, Jen Mikula, Tammy of Pender, Nebraska to Disney This included Seniors Shandra compete next year, to be
Swartz, and Jen Wagner. World. "It was a tremendous Pettit, Stephanie Miley, Heidi honest, I thought the club
Fall Leadership was a feeling to know that we MacDonald, Layla Lavelle, would look good on college
conference held at UNL for helped a little boy's wish come Jared Simmons , John Ander- applications!"
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