Page 79 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 79

Connie Shneider tries  to find her way
                                                                                           through the crowded hallways to her
                                                                                           next class.  (Jon  Waller)
                                                                                           Each year during spiri t  week a  hall
                                                                                           decorating contest is  held.  Chad
                                                                                           Boomgaarden and Ryan  Horner
                                                                                           place duct tape on a  poster to be
                                                                                           hung up.  (Christina Hooper)
                                                                                           Some juniors  often had study  hall
                                                                                           between 2nd and 6th  hour.  Pete
                                                                                           Berquist studies for a test he has next
                                                                                           hour.  (Derik Hendrickson)

                                                              Almost  out of  breath. Kendra  Coutal
                                                              blows  up  one of 72  balloons  . all  of
                                                              which  were blown up without the
                                                              help of a  machine.  (Christina  Hooper)

    Taki ng  time  out  of  her  busy  red  streamers for  the  hall
    schedule. Angie Mehsling spends  decorating contest.  (Christina
    twa hours  after school hanging  Hooper)
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