Page 77 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 77
Wilkinson. Stacy
Willi ams. Jennifer
Williams. Matthew
Wise. Megan
Wohl, Jason
Woodford . Marc
Woodward, Tara
Zimmerman. Keri
Zorgdrager, Jeffrey
Christian. Kellye
Duran. Angelila
Hamann, Tra vis
Johnson. Eric
Lake, Brian
Sternin, Florencia
In Memory
Trevor Th omas
12/7/73 to 3/1 /92
Graduation Gifts
Practical, Unique
• Dana King •
A new car. a televi- planeticketsandallexpenses
sion. a VCR , or money. What paid trips. Alison Bottazzi said
do all these things have in she's "excited for her Jamaca
common? Senior ideas for trip coming up in mid-July."
graduation presents. However. Niki Kubat
Many of these didn't "wants money to have to
come until the gowns, spend during the college
speeches, and diploma's had year." It won't be very much
been given. fun on weedends without any
Some students moneytogoshopping,toeat
planned ahead for gifts that out, or to go to movies.
would help them out at col- Some seniors already
lege, like a television, refrig- received their gifts early. One
erator, or a stereo, but what such person was Rob
about the homework and Magruder. who got a car. He
book reports? Krissy Ludlow just hopes he can take it to
wants a computer to help her college next year.
out with all the work she's Dreamsofgraduation
expecting to get in her col- gifts were plentiful, but the
lege classes. reality of really getting that
Then some looked into right one was but another.
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