Page 78 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 78

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                                              Pri"ileges  IncreasE

                                                     For  the class  of '93,   eluded National Honor Soci-  upperclassman, your frienc
                                              the time had finally  come-   ety, Junior  Class  Board, Youth   are established and there
                                              upperclassmen.  No  more  to Youth, FBLA  and DECA.         not as  much peer pressurE
                                              sophomore row, no more sit-   Those  offered good opportu-  Everybody is  closer."
                                              ting in  the cramped south    nities  for juniors  to contribute   Even  though friend
                                              bleachers at pep rallies , and   more to the school  and com-  were essential,  they wen
                                              no  more  eating  in  the     munity.                       sometimes a pain in the ned
                                              crowded 9-10  cafeteria.             Natasha    Mohlman  John  Howell  said,  "Trying  t<
                                                     Modified      Open  said ,  "With  growing responsi-  force my best friend into ask
                                              Campus was one privilege  bilities,  it helped us to be better  ing a  girl  to the prom mad(
                                              the juniors  had.  Becky  Gart-  role  models  and good repre-  this year special!"
                                              ner  said,  "Sleeping  in  and not   sentatives  of our school."   With  all  the ups one
                                              having a  first  hour  made this     However,  contribut- downs, the class of '93 woulc
                                              year special."                ing  wasn't all  that made this   not forget their junior year
                                                     In  addition to MOC,   year special for juniors.  Friends   Special privileges,  more re
                                              juniors  ggt involved in  a  large   played a  major part in  each  sponsibilities,  and friend
                                              variety of school and com-    others'  lives .  Karen  Tramon-  helped to make this year thE
                                              munity activities.  These  in-  tozzi  said,  "When you're  an  best  ever.

                                              During  a practice game, Jason  Brown
                 7 4                          and Zach  Carle  put ice bags on their
                         Junior  Divider
                                              heads in  90  degree heat. (Melinda
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