Page 85 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 85
Senio r Lisa Dunning, along with the
senio r class board. sells honey to
I efit retarded children. (Melinda Senior Class Board: front - Christine Rebecca Speiker. Chris Abel, Dave
Roth , Amy Schlichtemeier, Jen Mikula, Hensley , Jason Werner, Angie Draney,
Tammy Swartz, Brian Thompson, Michelle Clapper, Erin Ferguson , Kristin
Heather Griffin,Bri c e Ballard, Brad Knight, Ton yo Elliott ; fourth row-Kristina
Wendel, Shandra Pettit. Stephanie Eastep, Alison Bottazzi. Diana Rody,
Lammert. Megan Phillips, Tammi Carrie Christianson, Jodi Arvin, Hope
Helligso; second row - Robin Hutfles. Domeier .Scott Moiler, Angie Deming,
Courtney Proplesch, Jennifer Erin Glowacki,Valerie Arms. Traci
Mc Williams, Curren Webb, Ronell Gleason , Laminda Bush , Jim Olson,
Deck, Daniel Holmes.Justin Keller , Kelly Christi Heideman; back - Megan
Farrell , Mike Penney, Jennifer Dewey, Wise , Kathy Naumann, Jodi Peters .
Laura Jacobsen, Amy Tipp , Katrina Sean O'Hanlon, Aron Boumstein, Dan
Riefrio , Steen Juul; third row - Suzzie Watkins, Lisa Dunning, Desiree Brent,
Engdahl. He ather Lavoie, Sarah lobi lves. Andrea Hylen , Sarah Fread,
Kolasin ski, Kerry Lammers, Chris Biga, Judy Kohoskie , Lindsey Tyler , Natalie
Edmonds. (Rick Billings Photography)
Junior Class Board: front- Chad Clanton, Mike Jeffords. Anthony
Boomgaarden, AdvisorSteveDvorak, Jaeckel; third row- Jodi Rastede,
Heather Melonis, Lindsay Miller, Peter Brenda Randaii,Dana King ,JonSmall,
Bergquist, Matt Solberg, Derik Craig Vanis; back- Kendra Coufal.
Hendrickson, Liz Nielsen, Jenny Alice Lin , Jodi Fougeron. Tera
McCarthy; secondrow-JoeyHawkins, Hocevar. Kevin Ridley, Mike Tesmer ,
Ryan Horner. Kerri Van Winkle, Jamie B.J. Ballard. (Melinda DeStefano)
Dedication Has Its Rewards
•Wendy Malesa•
Junior Class Board and T-shirts was a major fun- bers at large" group was munity was through a tradi-
and Senior Class Board draiser for them. These were formed. Sixty -six seniors were tional "Honey Sunday"
have few things in com- the people who ranaround actively involved. where they sold honey for
mon except for the hard the Millard neighborhoods on S.C.B. was split into 16 GOARC, Greater Omaha
work that was required Halloween 'TrickorCanning', different committees in which Area of Retarded Citizens,
from the members. this was one of the fun things each take part in his/her andthe Madonna School for
"The J.C.B. has thattheJ.C.B. decided to do groups and fund raisers.
been a great privilege to to help out the school and The SCB was in Exceptional Children. This
year the selling of honey
be on, I felt a sense of prior- community. charge of the Baccalaure- brought in $3705.
ity to my class because I Senior Class Board ate. There was also a class Both of the boards
represented them. " said consisted of two groups. The gift that had to be bought to were highly involved in both
Alice Lin, one of the 26 19 members voted in made donate to the school.ln the community and school.
members . final decisions on certain .is- addition class T-shirts had to This honor took" a lot of work
J.C.B. was in sues . However, due to the be designed and made.
and dedication, but it was
charge of the prom. Sell- importance of input from the One of the ways jhat worth it", said Senior Chris
ing 1993 class sweatshirts whole senior class, a "mem- the S.C.B helped the com- Biga.