Page 83 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 83

President  Reise  Officer  heads one of  K.C.  Alvano  contribute from  the  side-
    the  preparational  meetings  as   lines.  (Melanie Goddard)
    Sophomore  Tom  Brady  and Treasurer

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                                                                                             Junior  Jason  Sharp  and Senior  Jeff
                                                                                             Lewandowski  stop  to  talk  in
                                                                                             between band  changes  while
                                                                                             helping to run  the Bm  Ball  In  January.
                                                                                             (Christina  Hooper)

                                                                                                      :U-.-_ l~
                                                              Student  Council:  front- Nicole  Brown .  Stephanie Zito;  Back Row- Josh
                                                              Heidi  Taggart. Terra  Sabag,  April  Crow.   Denney. Jaime  O'Gara. Tom  Brady .
                                                              Becky  Speiker;   Second  Row- Jason   John Miller,  Sarah  Sinclair,  Lynne
                                                              Sharp . Anna  Bahney , K.C. Alvano. Jeff   Officer, Dave  Allen , Michelle  Allen ,
                                                              Lewandowski,  Reise  Officer,  Amy  Becky  Barrett.  Derek  Strohman.
                                                              Enewold, Chad Safran't'lk ;  Third  Row-  (Nici  Pearson )
                                                              Jami  Rossitto .  Kristen  Robinson ,

          Council  Success  Not  Unnoted

                                                      •  Debbi  Eades  •

                   They  did it  Homecoming  Dance  was  for  memorials  needed here.       ganized  the  Brrr  Ball .  For  the
      again!  The  Student  Coun- student  Council's  real  chance   On  a  brighter note. first  time, four  bancls  were hired
      dl  chalked  up another year  to show  the school  why we  they again sponsored  a  SlCX:O  to  perform  at  the  winter
      of  spirit-raisers,  fundraisers,  were  elected,"  said  Slrohmal .  scholarship .  student Council  dance.
      and,  of course,  the Home-       For  the second yE:ar,  conducted new student ori-         From  bake sales  and
      coming  Dance.            the  council  spent  money they  entation, and they babysat bagel sales  to carwashes,  the
            As  always,  spirit  had raised  on  supporting a  at Parent  I  Teacher confer- student Council  hit  their  gqals.
      week  and the  Homecom- family  for  Christmas .  "We were  ences.  "We wanted to do  "I  think  we  just wanted to make
      ing  Dance were the ice- able to give something to  what was  expected from  us,  everyone happy, and I was
      breakers .  Juniors  Derek  people that  just  wouldn 't have  whether  it  was  donating looking  forward  to influencing
      Strohman  and Jason  Sharp  had much of a  Christmas,"  money or  putting on  spirit  people ... well,  the freshmen
      spent  the  week  making  the  said  Treasurer  K.C.  Alvano .  In  week,"  said  Junior  Anna  girls,"  said  President  Reise  Of-
      Homecoming         video,  addltion,  money was  given  to  Bc:hley.   Despite  their  efforts,  ficer .  After  a long year of hard
      "which  a  lot  of people not  the family  of Jason  Branigan,  "Not enough people know  work   and    frustrations ,
      going  to the  dance made  a  Papillion  student inflicted  how much we really  do,"  said  Strohman  was  looking  foi'Ward
      a trip  to see,"  said  senior  with  cancer.  The  Student  Senior  Michelle Allen .   to one thing,  "starting  all  over
      Heather  Hendrickson.   "The  Council  was  also  respons ible   The  council  also  or- again!"
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