Page 87 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 87

Every  Friday  aftemoon, students  went
                                                                                            to Montclair  Nursing  Center in  order
                                                                                            to assist  residen ts play Bingo.   Junior
                                                                                            Ryan  Homer  helps  two reside nts  with
                                                                                            their  game cards.  (Derik  Henctickson)
                                                                                            First  Semester  NHS:  front-  Brian
                                                                                            Thompson. Natalie  Edmonds. Undsey
                                                                                            Tyler .  Justin  Ke ller,  Daniel  Holmes,
                                                                                            Megan Phillips .  Christi  Heideman,
                                                                                            Nate Underwood. Brad  Wendel . Robin
                                                                                            Huftles, Mike  Penney, Traci  Gleason.
                                                                                            Jennifer  McWilliams, Sherie  Pivonka.
                                                                                            second row- Mark Youngman. Jodi
                                                                                            Arvin ,  Jennifer  Ruegg,  Rebecca
                                                                                            Speiker.  Dave Hensley,  Chris  Abel.
                                                                                            Chad Boomgaarden.  Ryan Horner.
                                                                                            Jenna Byrne .  Tammy  Foster .  Hope
                                                                                            Domeier.  Alison  Bottazzi.  Kristina
                                                                                            Eastep.  Ginny Hoefer.  third  row-
                                                                                            Heather  Melonis .  Kendra  Coufal.  Bill
                                                                                            Nervig . Tom  Goddard. Steve  Kerrigan .
                                                                                            Carmen Omer. Carrie  Christianson.
                                                                                            Krissy  Ludlow,  Douglas Larsen,  Roni
                                                                                            Connell ,  Sonja   Rossum ,  Angie
                                                                                            Sandhurst.   Carrie   Lewis.   Amy
                                                                                            Schlich temeier.   fourth  row-  Megan
                                                                                            Wise, Heather  Kneip,  Chris Biga,  Bob
                                                                                            Thune. 11m  Pearson . Jill  Hoover.  Jamie
                                                                                            Clanton. Heather Griffi n.  Nny Hodges.
                                                                                            T odd Bartels . Brice  Boll ard. Jack Wei.
                                                                                            Anna  Bohney , Ryan  Bergmann.  bock-
                                                                                            Todd  Franzen . John  Peterson . Jenny
                                                                                            Larson,  K.C.  Alvano ,  Reise  Officer,
                                                                                            Stephanie  Lammert.  Kevin  Riley .
                                                                                            Lindsay  Miller.  Polly  Faltin,  Peter
                                                                                            Berquist . Kim  Armstrong. Advisor  Lee
                                                                                            Galloway.  (Rick  Billings  Studio)

              Duty  and SeNice Fulfillment

                                                      •Jenny Winkler•

           Hard          work ,  Phillips,  Treasurer  Dan  Friday  afternoon  at  Lee  Galloway said ,"To
     dedication,          and  Holmes,         and       co- Montclair  Nursing  Center,  me,  the best  part of
     service.  These  were  the  Secretaries         Christy  and volunteer ing  at the  being  advisor to NHS
     three  things  that NHS  Heideman  and  Brad  River  City  Round-Up.  was  being  able to  work
     members           strived  Wendel.  They  worked  Members  were  also  with  people who  were
     towards  over the  course  with  students  and the  requ ired  to  participate  in  so  involved  in  their
     of  the  year.              administration  in  order  to  volunteer         service  community,  and  yet
           The  group  was  organize  activities  such  projects  of  their  own.           were  also  able  to
     lead  by  President Nate  as  sponsoring  a  needy               It  took  a  hard- continue  to  matain
     Underwood,           Vice  family  over  the  holidays ,  working · indiv idual  to  be  their       academic
     President        Megan playing  Bingo  every  a  part  of NHS.  As  Advisor  excellence."
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