Page 81 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 81

    The  h;,ed  acto".  Hemy (B,yac
    McAdams)  and Mortimer (Ryan
    Bergmann) .  were sent to take
    Matt  (Jack  Wei)  to the real  world.                                                  Matt (Jack Wei) often expressed  his
    (Christina  Hooper)
                                                                                            love for  Luisa  through his  singing.
                                                                                            (Derik Hendrickson)

                                                                                            Luisa  (Melissa Connell) sat by the Wall
                                                                                            (Anna Bahney) singing about her love
                                                                                            for Matt.  (Derik Hendrickson)
                                                                                            One-Act cast:  front- Krissy  Ludlow.
                                                                                            Ryan  Bergmann. Doug Larson . Bryan
                                                                                            McAdams. Amy Gustafson; second
                                                                                            row- Anna Bahney;  back- Jana
                                                                                            Hutchison. Jack Wei. Melissa  Connell.
                                                                                            Lindsay Miller (Christina Hooper)

              'The  Fantasticks'  Takes  First

                                                         •Alice Lin•

           The cast of the musi-  McAdams, and Juniors Melissa  emotional; I'm not."        McAdams said,  '"The  play
     cal romance comedy, "The  Connell, Doug Larson,  Ryan           Junior  Melissa  Con- felt like a college play.  On
     Fantasticks",  was rewarded  Bergmann, Anna Bahney, neiL  who played Luisa,  had  the set. we included props,
     by  its  successful  perform- Jana Hutchison, and lindsay  mutual feelings.  "I  had a dif-  like  wigs,  for an added ef-
     ance  at the NSAA  One-Act Miller.  Piano players were  ferent character than usual.   fect.  Also,  we had the
     Play Contest with a first place  Senior Krissy  Ludlow, and  Usually,  I  got stuck with mean,  audience up on stage, so it
     finish  at State.          Sophomore Amy Gustafson.      old, grouchy characters. How-  felt like  they were part of
           Knowing that the             Many long rehearsals  ever, in  this play, it  was fun  the action."
     One-Act took long hours to  were needed to perfect each  playing a  childish,  innocent,       "The  Fantasticks"
     reach top perfection,  the  individual character.  Senior  16-year old girl."          could not have been bet-
     cast committed themselves  Jack Wei,  who played Matt,          After having accom- terthanitaireadywas.
     and  led the 30-minute cut  said  he had a  hard time de- plished the  characters, the  success  led Direct2r Terry
     play to a first  place level.   veloping his character:> "Matt  cast andcrew took an extra  Peterson  to believe, "They
           The  cast included had a  completely,  different  step and created an extraor- did this  play as well as any-
     Seniors Jack Wei, and Bryan  personalitythanl.  Hewasvery dinary set.  Senior Bryan  one could, young or old."
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