Page 91 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 91
Sitting alone watching a T.V. show,
freshman Susie Waller ponders why
she did what she did to get
grounded. (Jon Waller)
Wondering when she will be able
to go out and have fun again,
junior Michelle Cadmus stands in
front of her window. (Michelle
Junior Marc Robe talks to one of his
friends on the phone. They are
discussing what they will do after
he gets ungrounded. (Jon Waller)
Students Prisoners of Home
•Jennifer Dewey•
"You're Grounded!" room like prisoners makes grounded were numerous. were the most common
some teenagers rebellious. From sneaking out to go to a restraints . Some parents just
It's the phrase that Junior Mark Michalski said, party, lying about where or kept the teenagers in the
teenagers hate to hear. "Parents shouldn't ground who they were with , or just house with access to just
Parents use this phrase to their kids because it doesn't doing something wrong like their room, the bathroom,
pun ish their children, by re- teach them anything. They hitting a car in a parking lot and the dining room. Still
straining them from certain will just do it again or some- and not telling anyone. others just said that they
activities or people. To some thing worse if the punishment The degree of couldn'tgo out fora day or
parents this is the only way isn' t tough enough. grounding also varied. Being two. Some teenagers were
to keep the teenager in line. The acts that were kept away from essentials even made to READ for
Being kept in their done in order to get like the T.V. and the phone entertainment.