Page 93 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 93
Sohomores Susan Ames and Jeffrey
Vincent discuss guidelines for the
, Uterary Magazine contest . (Jennifer Literary Magazine: Front- Dustin
Davis) Schroeter , Regina Smith, Susan Ames.
Jeff Vincent; Back- Dan Kratze r, Dan
Eilers, Jenni Adamy, Sara Schlossser .
Advisor Kim Vawter. (Jennifer Davis)
Sophomores Sus an Ames. Junior
Dan Eilers . and Freshman Sara
Schlosser discuss what to put on a
poster for the Literary Magazine
contest. (Jennifer Davis)
• Uz Kizzier•
As the end of the do almost everything but paid off in the end." said Hove won a $5 gift certifi-
r came around and the have it pri nted." said Kim Junior Dan Eilers . cate and an honorable
essures of homework and Vawter What was put in the mention, third prize of $10
eachers were slowly but The members met magazine was judged by went to Junior Sara Sifers ,
urely coming to an end, every Monday and when the students. The stories , $15 and second place
e was still a group work- there was work to be poems, and drawings re- went to junior Dan Eilers ,
hard to publish the uter- judged. The members met flected what the students and first place with a $20
ry Magazine. to express their own ideas ideas were. gift certificate went to
The magazine con- through their writing or draw- During the year the junior Ash leigh Hall.
. ed of poems, short sto- ing talent. "I enjoyed being "Pen and Ink " contest was Bo()ks showing the
ies, some artwork, and on staff; II loved to write so held and some pieces were work in desktop publish-
tographs. "This is a very that's what I did. Although it submitted. Sophomores ing were distributed in
elf-efficient program; we sometimes was difficult, it all Mike Timanus and Becky May.