Page 95 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 95
Sophomore Sam Fisc her looks for
books that she will need for her next
Although lockers are hard to keep class. Her locker door is one of many
clean. Sophomore Anne Peterson that are covered with personal
keeps hers organized by hanging photos. drawings. poems. posters.
stuff from the door. (Heather and almost anything else. (Heather
Tomczak) Tomczak)
Lockers Bring Inconvenience
•Cortney Christensen •
Books, broken pen- up mirrors to posters of hot jammed, they were nearly classes were on the other
cils,candywrappers, moldy guys and gals could be found impossible to open. Senior side. Lockers just weren't
M&M's, rabid mice, mono- hanging on the doors. Junior Susan Grigsby said, "Lockers mything."saidSeniorDoug
sodium glutamate, the Wendy Malesa said, "The first were a pain! They never Chipman.
kitchen sink . . . thing I saw in the morning at opened for me. Besides, I Whether used of-
It was possible to find school was Chippendales, would rather have spent my ten ornot,lockers revealed
some or all of these In any and that woke me up!" time talking." a lot about one's person-
student locker. Although lockers pro- ForsomesttJdentsthey ality; ·Even though they
For many, lockers vided a nice hanging spot were such an inconvenience weren't easy to open or
' were a home away from for posters and photos of your thattheywereunusedallyear keep organized, it was a
home , although less organ- best friends, they weren't all long. "My locker was on one part of normal every day
Ized. Everyth ing from make- fun and joy. When they got side of the schooL and my student life.