Page 131 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 131
Group Gets LeGros, Heather Brown , Angie Ringling , Dan Schuchart; third row-Karen
FBLA: front-Kate Freeland, Jacqueline
Cunningham, Amy Donahue, Nikki
Involved Nick Larm a, Germaine LeGros, Wendy Werth , Angela Larson , Brent Larson ,
Fischer; second row- Amy Jackson,
Julie Stabno, Ann Heaney ; back-Wendy
Uden, Annette Conser, Judy Ivy .
Nichole Moertl, Andrea Cade, Amy
-Natasha Major Staiert, Doug Hehering, Jennifer Wilson, (Rick Billings Photography)
FBLA, Future Business Day was made more suc-
Leaders of America, participated cessful by FBLA when they
in many events in the business made and distrubuted posters to
community. FBLA has been promote the event. The State
active in the community by vol- Leadership Conference held
unteering at the Salvation Army. Apr. 1-2 at the Holiday Inn on
Members helped by distrubuting 72nd and Groverl.
toys and stocking the shelves Fundraising was a part of
during the holiday season. being involved in FBLA. In
The Vocational Tee Fair, Sept. members sold the Plea-
held in Nov. at MN , gave FBLA sure Packs and Happenings
the oppurtunity to see what jobs coupon book. The month of
were avaible in the future for Feb. members sold candy to
them. raise their funds.
FBLA also toured the Hy- FBLA provided many op-
Vee located on 132nd and portunity for members. Presi-
Dodge in Feb. , to see what it dent Heather Brown said, "Be-
took to run a business on that ing a FBLA officer you have the
type . opportunity to succeed in vari-
The American Enterprise ous business."
Kline , Heather
Kloeckner, David
Kneip, Heidi
Knigge, Heather
Knigge, Shawna
Kocarnik, Kristin
Kolasinski, Alicia
Kolbe, Arran
Kousgoard, Nicole
Kranjc , Carlon
Krieger, Kevin
Krupka, Corey
Kucera, Ryan
Kudlacek, Klint
Kulish , Kenneth
Kullman, Kevin
Kuncaitis, Sara
Labs, Jamie
Lahmann, Sheila
Lake , Timothy
Lammert, Todd
Lampert, Joseph
Lampi ch, Shawna
Lange, Theodore
Langer, Matthew
Latusick, Stacy