Page 129 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 129

Fitting In A Feat For Most

                                   -   Debbi Eades

         Fitting  in ... How?  With    The transition to a large  doing in their endeavors to find a
   which  crowd?  These questions  high school proved to be a rough   place.  Senior Molly Andresen
   have  been  asked  by  incoming  one  for  many.  For  instance,   said  that  "A  lot  of  people  got
   students  for years , freshmen and   Junior Chris  Marvel,  new  his   really  caught up  in  peer pres-
   transfers  alike .           sophomore year, had an experi-  sure.  I didn't because if people
         Most people were suc-  ence  that  was  hardly  a  walk  don't  like  you  for who you  are,
   cessful  in  finding  their  knack.   through the park.  "I went to the   they aren't worth it. "
   For  example ,  Freshman  Brett  cafeteria the first couple of days   As for the material thing,
   Ehlers  said , "I just tried  to  be   with the kid that was showing me   Senior Shelley McCauley
   nice  to  everyone, and  I got in-  around,  but  I just didn't  feel  a  said,"lt's still important, but, for-
   volved  in  tennis."  Others, how-  part  of things.  In  fact, people  tunately,  not  like  it  was  fresh-
   ever ,  never felt  they  really  made  it  so  hard  that, for two  man year."
   needed  to  fit  in.  When Senior  months, I didn't  go  to  lunch  at   Whether it was a certain
   Mike  Tesmer  thought back to   all."  However, Senior Deanna  clique, a sport, or just slick inde-
   his freshman  year, he said," I felt   Olsson said it was "harder to fit   pendence, almost everyone fell
   that  if  you  were your own  per-  in  in  junior high."   into place.  Although,  fitting in
   son , you  could accomplish any-    It  was  a  lot  easier for  was rough for some, many stu-
   thing. "                     some to  see  how others were   dents proved it could be  done.

                                                                                                        Hautzinger, Paul
                                                                                                        Hawkins, Thomas
                                                                                                        Hayden, Crystal
                                                                                                        Haynes, Kevin
                                                                                                        Hays, Summer
                                                                                                        Hedquist, Kimberly

                                                                                                        Herr, Megan
                                                                                                        Herrera, Brian
                                                                                                        Hettinger, Nichole
                                                                                                        Heull)ann, Cory
                                                                                                        Hinckley, Andrea
                                                                                                        Hintz, Melissa
                                                                                                        Hix, Jeremy

                                                                                                        Hocevar, Kelly
                                                                                                        Hoefer, Stephen
                                                                                                        Hofschulte, Colleen
                                                                                                        Hoke, Katie
                                                                                                        Holland, Thomas
                                                                                                        Holly, Ryan
                                                                                                        Holm, Charles

                                                                                                        Holman, Marcia
                                                                                                        Holmquist, Andy
                                                                                                        Holt, Allison
                                                                                                        Hospodka, Rachel
                                                                                                        Hoult, Angela
                                                                                                        Howland, Sharon
                                                                                                        Hsieh, Shauyene
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