Page 128 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 128
Goman, Thomas
Goodbrake, Elizabeth
Grant, Amy
Grant, Carey
Graunke, Jefferey
Greathouse, Shelly
Greco, Alysia
Gregg, Rebecca
Grimm, Trisha
Grosskopf, Katie
Grover, Tracy
Gudenrath, Joe
Guida, Michaela
Gulsvig, Rissa
Gunderson, Dustin
Haas, Shannon
Hahn, Matt
Haiar, Kristine
Hamilton, Christina
Hamzehi, Bahareh
Handren, Gregory
Hansen, James
Hansen, Jeremy
Hanseri, Ryan
Harbeck, Shelly
Harris, Jill
Harrold, Jonathan
Hartman, Jason
Freshmen Frank Meraz and Corey While sitting in the 11-12 commons, With Science teacher Jim Johnston,
Stroburg stop to catch up during a passing Junior Melanie Goddard gave Freshman Freshman Nicole Bartosh found it easier
period. Finding a place to talk got difficult Jeff Bedel some tips on life in high to talk to a teacher about getting into the
in the crowded school, but many found schooi.(Beth Wood) swing of things in high schooi.(Beth
the time.(Beth Wood) Wood)
1 2 4 Fitting In