Page 127 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 127

Omaha Big on Concerts

                                   -   K.J.  Ridley

          Omaha  did  not  have  East Coast Family.  They sang  came  to  Omaha  was  at
    many  big  concerts like  Kansas  their  hit  songs  "Motownphilly",  Aksarben.  Country music star
    City  (Guns  n'  Roses) and  Min-  and  "Please Don 't Go. "  Senior  Garth Brooks came to the Dou-
    neapolis (Lol lapalooza), but they   Bob Correa had front row seats  glas County Fair.  Brooks
    did host  many  major  concerts  to  the concert, "That's the  big-  stormed  the  album  charts this
    com pa red to  last year.   gest rap/r +b concert  Omaha has  summer with  his  album  Ropin
          The biggest concert was   ever had."                the Wind.
    held July  27th . The opening act                                 Peony  Park's  biggest
    was th e hottest new rap  group     The last act of the the   concert was from the new group
    TLC prom oting their album Oooh   night was  Hammer and  his  Toad  the  Wet  Sprocket.  The
    on  the  TLC tip.  They sung their  posse.  Most of the  audience  conert's finale was their top ten
    three  hit songs, "Aint too Proud  liked  Boyz  II  Men  better than   song "All  I Want."
    to  Beg ,"  "Baby Baby Baby" and   Hammer. Correa said "Hammer    Omaha  may not be con-
    "WhatAboutYourFriends." The  never danced plus Boyz II  Men   sidered as a major city, but mu-
    othe r hot group that performed  are better singers."      sic groups  still like to come while
    wasBoyz II Men , memberofthe     Another major concert that  many fans wait.

                                                                                                         Ferrero, Christopher
                                                                                                         Finnegan, Chris
                                                                                                         Fischbach, Kelly
                                                                                                         Fix, Trisha
                                                                                                         Fleming , Barry
                                                                                                         Flores, Philip
                                                                                                         Florio, Michael

                                                                                                          Flynn, Ryan
                                                                                                          Ford , Ryan
                                                                                                          Foster, Michael
                                                                                                          Foster, Trevor
                                                                                                          Franz, Brian
                                                                                                          Fredericks, Randy
                                                                                                          Friedlund, Sarah

                                                                                                          Friesen, Jeff
                                                                                                          Fritz, Michaela
                                                                                                          Gardels, Emily
                                                                                                          Gasparini, Francesca
                                                                                                          Gehrig, Jeremy
                                                                                                          Geis, Ben
                                                                                                          Gerace, Andy

                                                                                                          Gerbec, John
                                                                                                          Giovanni, Angela
                                                                                                          Glorvick, Todd
                                                                                                          Godbout, Aaron
                                                                                                          Godwin, Kelly
                                                                                                          Goldfaden, Darcy
                                                                                                          Goldstein, Heather
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