Page 19 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 19

A  favorite  memory  cou ld happen  any time and
    Seniors  Becky  Leach and Alice Li n had a chance to   virtuall y anywhere.  Seniors Sarah  Si nclair, Katie
    participate  in  Wes tside's  summer  musical, "Meet   Glorvick, Jamie Clanton, and Ka ri Van Winkle show
    Me  In  St.  Louis ."  The  experience of working wi th   off  their cul inary expertise while wearing  flou r on
    actors  from  other  schools  was  somethi ng  neith er   their faces.  (Kathy Sinclair)
    will  ever forget .  (Alice  Lin)
    Special  trips  taken  with  friends  always  created
    memorable  moments.  Seniors Geren Thurston and
    Laura  McDonald take a breather in front of the Magic
    Kingdom  at  DisneyWorld.  (Jenny Buell)

                                         Special to Students .

                                          enough  to  be  remembered for  a  lifetime.  from Poland had difficulty expressing a par-
                                          Whether it was a football game, a night out  ticular "favorite" memory.  She  said, "I en-
                                          on the town , or a crazy stunt that was pulled,  joyed the  life here, but I had  so many good
                                          students cherished their best of times.   memories I didn't know which to choose."
                                                  The school-affiliated "social" events   Time spent in  class may have been
                                          were  common as favorite memories.  Jun-  memorable to some.  "I liked every moment
                                          ior  Ray  Nowaczyk said, "I especially re-  in the classroom that was spent to intellectu-
                                          member the  school  spirit  at  the  sporting   ally  better myself,"  said  Senior Pete
                                          events, because everyone got caught up in   Bergquist.
                                          the moment."                                   Students also had once in  a lifetime
          -   Jenny Winkler                       Birthdays, especially when shared   memories.  "I'll  never forget,"  said  Senior
                                          with friends, were among the best of times   Laura Andresen, "the time we were in a car
                                          for others.  Senior Becky Leach said, "My   chased by a teacher and his dog."
           Of  all  of the  moments spent  in   favorite memory from high school had to be   Whatever the  memory, everything
    high  school , the  best  times for students   the 16th birthday party that I had with Alice   added up to be special, and ultimately unfor-
    to remember  were those spent with    Lin  at Land L Hall  because so  many of our  gettable.  The laughter,  friends, and  fun
    fri ends .                            friends were there."                    were what made up the best of times.
           Memories made  were  special           Exchange student Aneta  Nowak
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