Page 226 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 226

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                                               Senior Jered Clark picks up  a flower at
                                               LeFieurfor an upcoming event.  LeFieur
                                               gets business from  the students when
                                               they order their corsages and bouteniers
                                               for Homecoming and Prom.
                                               (Alex Herr)
                                               Midcontinent Bottlers provide the bev-
                                               erage vending  machines.  A  new ma-
                                               chine was added on  the  11 /12  side of
                                               the  building.  Junior John Hurst takes
                                               time to take advantage of  one.
                                               (Alex Herr)                                                Social Studies teacher Maureen
                                    s                                                                     Konwinski writes  a check  from  Ameri-

                                                                                                          can  National Bank.  She  is  writing  the
                                                                                                          check to  pay  for  a pie  she  ordered  to
                                                                                                          help support National  Honor  Society .
                                                                                                          (Alex Herr)
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