Page 222 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 222
Varsity Squads Take First at Metro
-Dana King
This was the first year together to perform at the Home- Varsity." everyone. Senior Becky Barrett
that both squads cheered for coming Pep Rally and game. Due to the great out- said, "At first we had problems
a girl and guy sport. However, the two squads come at Metro, the girls decided adjusting to the size of the new
In the Fall, Silver competeted together at the to take their routine to a national squad and all of the 'extra opin-
cheered for Volleyball and Blue Metro Spirit Spectacular. The competition. In late March, the ions,' but know we realize that
cheered for Football. combine squads took the first girls won first again in St. Paul , nothing gets done if we don't
Each of the squads place award in the Large Var- MN . compromise."
started practicing early in the sity division and also overall best Juniors Heather This was a good year ,
summer to prepare for their cheer squad award. Peterson and Tracey Ferris both competition wise, for the two
NCA cheerleading camps. At Juniors Sarah Collins said, "Although we started out varsity squads. The girls did
camp the girls learned new and Jenny Grove both agreed as strangers we grew into great well with the new situations of
cheers and unity. that "all the hard work payed off friends and a great team." the two different squads and
When school started when they announced that first The size of the squad the different ways of doing
aqain, the two squads came place goes to Millard North Large was a whole new adventure for things.
Silver :...4uad: front-Mollie Brown,
Shelley lwansky, Jeani Petsick;
second row-Jill Maas , Tracy Armiger;
back- Dana King, Kristi Radomski ,
Lynn Welch (Rick Billings)
The Silver Varsity cheerleaders,
Juniors Tracy Armiger and Shelley
lwansky, first year varsity
cheerleaders, cheered to the crowd
to get them fired up for the Varsity
Boys' Basketball game. (Alex Herr)
The varsity cheerleaders showed their
excitement as the Varsity Boys'
Basketball team defeated the number
one ranked team , Westside, 46-45.
(Alex Herr)