Page 225 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 225

Squads Encourage Teains

                                       Ashley Pixton
         JV,  Freshman,  and  school,  and  used  the  experi-  at Metro.
  Wrestling  Cheerleaders found   ences that they gained last year   The  eight  Wrestling
  daily  practice and  encouraging  as  Freshman  Cheerleaders to   Cheerleaders were friends be-
  team  spirit a awy to make their  help them improve.       fore  they  became  cheerlead-
  mark .                               The Freshman Cheer-   ers.  "Sometimes that  helped
          "Our squad's goal for  leaders  this  year  also  gained  us  to  get  along  better,"  said
  this  year  was  to  place  at   many experiences as  novices  Wrestling Cheerleader  Jaimee
  Metro ,"  said  JV  Cheerleader  in  cheerleading.  "I  was  very   Schuster.  However it was the
  Molly  Gray.  The JV team ful-  nervous at first, but I learned to   teamwork and  learning jumps
  filled   its  goal  when  it  took  smile all  the time, even if I was   and  cheers that  earned  them
  fourth  place at the Metro Com-  not having fun . That helped me   third  place at Metro.
  petition.   "The  camp  we  at-  to   be  a  better cheerleader,"   All  of the three squads
  tended  at  Iowa  State  really  said  Freshman Cheerleader  found  the  commitment chal-
  helped  us. We used  a lot of the   Sabrina Jones.  It was this kind   lenging.   Each  cheerleader
  skills  from  the camp at  Metro,"   of attitude and a summer camp   had  to  be  at  every  game  or
  said  Gray.  The cheerleaders  at  UNL that helped  the  Fresh-  meet just  like the  teams they   JV  Cheerleaders: front- Kristin
  practiced  every  day  after  man  Cheerleaders place  fourth   supported.              Robinson,  Jenny  Jerabek,  Stefani
                                                                                          Knittel; back-Richelle Turnquist, Jackie
                                                                                          Druesdow, Molly Gray (Alex Ghali)

                                                             Freshman Cheerleaders: front-Emily
                                                             Ringling,  Julianne McHale,  Angie
                                                             Giovanni, Sabrina Jones; back-Fawn
                                                             Peterson,  Colleen  Hofschulte,  Nikki
                                                             Hettinger, Heather Knigge
                                                             (Jack Martin Photography)
                                                             Wrestling Cheerleaders:  front-
                                                             Shannon Lay, Jaimee Schuster, Amber
                                                             Combs, Jennifer Hesse; back- Becky
                                                             Brownfield, Trish Helligso, Jenni Maas,
                                                             Lindsay Palmer
                                                             (Jack Martin Photography)

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