Page 227 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 227


                                                                    Westward expansion  not only increased the en-
                                                             rollment, but it brought the businesses with  it  as well.
                                                                     That meant students were  offered more jobs
                                                             and greater range of shopping facilities.  Students had
                                                             no choice but to let the worl d watch them as they moved
                                                             a  Step  Ahead  toward  becoming vital  consumers of
                                                             goods and merchandise.
                                                                                                  Even  if  the  money
                                                                                           was hard to come by, stu-
                                                                                           dents still  took the time to
                                                                                           watch  the  world  around
                                                                                           them.  Looking for that great
                                                                                           bargain and holding out to
                                                                                           buy something because of
                                                                                           a sale or coupon available.
                                                                                           allowed the  students to
                                                                                           keep up with the changing
                                                                                           times like fashion and cur-
                                                                                           rent music groups.  How-
                                                                                           ever, they also provided a
                                                                                           place  to  enjoy the  time
                                                                                           away from  school and
                                                                                                  Students  could only
                                                                                           look ahead since the step
                                                                                           was right  in  front of  them,
                                                                                           and it could only get closer.

                                                                                              -   Jill Hoover

   A great  amount of  money  is  spent   Senior Troy Jackson enjoys his lunch at
   when   it  comes  to  senior pictures.   Arby's on 145th Center. Seniors got the
   Senior  Jon Waller poses for his at Rick   opportunity to go out to lunch.  "Going
   Billings  Studio.  ( Alex Herr)   out" was a big  step up from the school
                                cafeteria.  ( Alex Herr)

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