Page 251 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 251
The student body was constantly a Step Ahead
with the changing times. As students were given the
opportunity to find new friends and new interests, they
found themselves as well.
While reaching out to new friendships, students
learned different views from their own, creating a diver-
sity in their lives.
Finding new things
to do brought about new
discoveries within stu-
dents. New talents came
through whether it was a
new sport tried, participat-
ing in a new club, or a new
job that was sought out.
The identities cre-
ated were unique to each
student. The opportunities
to find oneself were plenti-
ful, many of which were
taken. Although activities
and homework occasion-
ally bogged down students,
there was always time to
do something for the fun
and adventure of it.
Through the new
friends and interests found,
students found themselves
which pulled them A Step
- Jenny Winkler &
Jill Hoover
Seniors Tim Mills, Jeff Furst, Kevin Junior Nate Kloock receives a makeover
Campbell , Corey Smith, and Rick Van in Spanish Ill by Junior Sarah Collins.
Moorleghem show off the mud acquired Having his fingernails painted allowed
from a four-wheeling adventure. Kloock to discover a new look for him-
self. The class was studying the words
for different kinds of make-up.
(Heather Gambre~
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