Page 246 - 1993.Millard.North
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Congratulations Skinny! Kevin,
You are a terrific young man Congratulations Bubba!
and have definitely lived a life We love you and are very proud
that has made your parents of you . Good luck and may all
proud! Thanks for being a your hopes and dreams be
great son and brother! fullfilled.
Love, Love,
Dad, Mom, and Mandy Mom, Dad, and Brian
Tim Vint Kevin Ridley
Tough decisions started early
Sandi, for Sarah. At age 4 it was
Your future is limited only by "Shall I watch Mickey Mouse or
your imagination! Therefore, the Learning Channel ?" At age
yours will be nothing short of 17, "Shall I watch Mickey
spectular! Congratulations! Mouse or go to college ?" We
Love always, think she made the RIGHT
Mom and Dad decisions. With our love,
Sandi King Dad and Stepmom Sarah Barr
You've brought 18 years of joy, Dana,
love, and laughter into our lives. Our first in birth - our first to
We can't wait to share your next leave home - our first better
adventure. We're so very proud call her mother!
of all you've accomplished! We love ya-
Love, Mom and Dad
Debbi Eades Dana King
Happy Graduation! We have Michael,
come a long way together. I May your dreams all come true,
wish you only the best in your your goals all be met, and the
new beginning. I love you, years still to come be the happi-
Natasha. est yet!
Hugs and kisses, Congratulations and love
Mother from your entire family
Natasha Major Michael Tesmer
To my best and closest, Becky,
High school's been filled with too much to forget . . .
Our three parties. The plays. Forensics. The slumber parties
(Berg & Luc, MMISL). Taboo. Junior prom . .. Ahhh! "Don't hit
my head!" Kissing philosophy. Our Men! (Mt. Mike Boys,
Extempers, "Corey, Joe, ... Kyle," and the infamous J---).
"Magic bean . .. Ohhh!" "Guess what? I ran over a bird today! "
So, when you're off in the Ozarks, you better "Think of Me"
2 4 2 because "Friends" like you are too important to lose!
Parent/ Senior Ads
Love Always, Alice