Page 249 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 249

           Hey sweetie! We have been best friends 5 years
    and  it  seems like  we've known each other forever.             Well, it's time for another story and this time it's the one to end them all.

    We've shared the best of times and have had the  These are what I can remember as  the beginning of the memories.  It  began .. ..
    greatest  memories like attracting the wrong guys and  James  C.-in homeroom 7th grade in Mr. Hayden's class. #42-43(you couldn't play),
    going out with some real winners, adventures with Bill  Steve!, NSI(enough said), road trips, "I love this song!".  Thanks for everything, I
    in  the  blueberry boat,  driving up  on  curbs, dodging  think we're  the only ones who will ever understand the what and why of our talks!
    medians and trying to steal gas pumps from gas sta-       Sarah-in Indian Princesses when we were about 7 years old.  "I have a coupon!",
    tions! (THAT WAS A CLASSIC!!) Little fights, surger-      "Let's play Taboo!" and remember "Only time will tell!".  Thanks for all the directions
    ies,  hospitals, and deaths, etc...  We've been through   and always being around to  listen and understand.
    both good and bad and I want you to know I love ya' to     Kros-in trash v-ball.  Note writing, "I like _ _ !".  I ' ~  glad we made it through all the
                                                              basketball battles and always try to keep a positive attitude.
    death.  Don't ever change and we will definitely keep in
                                                               Stig-on a Lion's Basketball team in  4th grade.  Let's pass a car on a hill! , "Love is
    touch. Thanks for the laughs, tears and for being a true
                                                               in the air!", "Can I have this to drink?". Thanks for being such a great Secret Sis and
                                                               roommate at Doane, believe me basketball would not have been the same without
                                 Love you always,
                                                               Andrea-in  7th grade band, you played the flute and I played the clarinet. "Nothing's
   THE  GIRLS:                                                 wrong!",  "I just failed a test!", "I'm not mad!", "Wake Forest #1  !(NOT)".  Thanks for
   K.S.- Thane?  Jackets  and  Pooltables?  Spray-painting.    making  me feel better and always being a very understanding person.
   Wildlife  lighters.  Mice in cabin rooms  (or on  bicycles) . Dale .   Reink-through Kiewit athletics. "Wheat, wheat,wheat,wheat-CORN!", "We have to
   AA  beep ... beep .. MCO.  "The  guys  are  fighting  about  the   say till' the end-l'm not leaving leaving, but you go ahead!"  I'm glad to have met
    kids  again!"                                              someone who knows the true meaning of "Go for It! " and "Just Do  It! ".
    K.G.- Wigwams.  Upside  down  off  beds?  Roy  Rogers,     Kate- sometime and somewhere on  the basketball court at an early age.  Father's
                                                               technical foul ,  silk pajamas,"HOOOOOOOOVER!", "My  ovaries hurt!"
   again?  Sorry,  next time,  I'll  clean  the  carpet.
                                                               Julie-in  volleyball fresh year.  "Who's bringing the seeds?",  a killer who sat in  front
   J.K.- "I'm walking home!"  What's the goal for the weekend?
                                                               of us  at the movies, phone conversations and remember say "hi " to your mom for
    "I'm  going like  this!"  What's in  the  hairspray bottle?
                                                               me!  What can I say?-thanks for always being a friend I could talk to, get advice from
    J.R.- How  many  typing  classes  are  there?  Cups  with  the
                                                               and see eye-to-eye with me about everything.
    school  song.  T.P. on  stop signs?  Halloween  I?
                                                               Robert Matthew-in  eighth grade Espanol.  This year has been the  best( I know a
    S.S.- TSS?  Connection between  K_ and  J    ?  "She's     generic phrase), but really we've had wonderful times together.  A few things that
    looney! " Yes,  you  have a boyfriend!                     can  never pass: "Spell", "Let's play a game of Scrabble","! am  NOT going to be a
    K.V.- You're not driving anymore.  Paint gun fights.  Hairballs   shift manager at  HY-Vee in  10 years!"  Thank you , you  have a lot of patience for
    at  bowling  alleys  (you  have  no  phone?)  "  Nothing  else   putting up with  me  at times!  I love ya'!!
    matters! "                                                 To all the J-Roomers(YRBK)  & Mrs.P-over  the last four years.  First to my fellow
    J.H.- Near death in the hoovabego.  "Could that be you in that   staff members on Yearbook.  The year went fast and thanks for putting up with me
    picture?"  Dan  the  man.  Signs to  pitchers from  the  bleach-  you  know it was for the good of the book!  JW-We did it!  it  was great working with
    ers?                                                       you.  KR&KM-You are guys are great and I guess you CAN really write good stuff!
    J.C.- We  know  how  you  feel-but  no  more  cornfields!  I felt   Good  luck next year in  Detroit(KR), and  wherever(KM).  DE-I'm  glad we  got to
    safe-even  through the  lawns.  Spies with  mace!          become such good friends again,  look what a couple of years can do!  AM-We've
                                                               spent a lot of time together, maybe it's because M&M are best friends-just maybe?
    What can  I say girls?  We've been through it all-the fights, the
                                                               Now to the photographers: JW,AH, TG-You guys do take good pictures, I mean it-
    parties,  GLOW!  You've made these last 5 years the greatest
                                                               keep shooting! Newspaper staff  Yearbook Rules! Mrs. P.- You're a goddess-I love
    of  my  life.  Thanks for always being there  (even  through the
                                                               I still wonder how you do it!
    mood  swings)!  Take care of yourselves and the best of luck
                                                               To  everyone who has ever known  me- thanks for all  the memories!  Wherever
    in  all  you  do!  You  and  the  memories will  always  be  in  my
                                                               your  life may take you I hope you remember .me & the fact that Duke will always rule
    heart.                                                     because I'll always remember you and the times we've shared.  Next year-watch for
                                 I love you  guys!             me at Penn State. Seniors-good  luck and keep your head held high  because you
                                               -Andrea         are a Millard North Mustang from the class of 93'!  Love always, Hoov
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