Page 247 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 247
Hey girls where do I start? We have spent the last 5 years together and they
have been the best five years of my life! It os kind of scary to think that we stuck
together despite some of our crazy differences. Let me tell ya' I'm super gald
we did. You guys mean more to me than you could ever imagine! Thanks for
sticking with me and my problems. Thanks for the great memories, the laughs,
and the tears!!-1 will never forget you!!
Alphabet-There are so many things that I need to thank you for and there is no
way for me to express how much you mean to me!! If it was not for you I
probably would not be here today. You are the BEST FRIEND I could have ever
wished for and thank you for everything you've done, (so maybe our Senior
year and the rest of our lives didn't go as planned, but we definitely had a kick
_ time!). Even if you were under the jacket I love you!!
Kros-You go girl!!! Hey who are you going to Kros-out this weekend? Good
luck at Creighton soccer and when I come back to party with you we will go shop
& tan: you bring the checks!!
Sinbad-"Snaps is molesting Sarah" thank God you were saved in time for
basketball, (who are we kidding?). Game master, I don't know what I'm going
to do next year without your game rule knowledge, or Ms. Map skills, but I will
try to manage. When I do come and see ya' in your new college you have to
promise me a game ofT ABOO and maybe even a ride in the aprty car, that is
Beth-We've been through so much it is going to be if you have a pair of shorts to go on my head.
Kari- Is that a dinner ticket for the most expensive restaurant in town with Mr.
really hard to say good-bye. You mean so much to us. Witchen across the table? Oh God what were we thinking? You've been a
great friend-"DA YS" wouldn't be a part of my life it weren't for you! Best of luck
You were always there to laugh with, you've been thee with you and Brian!
through our heartbreaks, and you hold all of our secrets. Katie-No more Hoochies in the haaause! (that is unless we visit Kearney, but
that would be bad cuz the PLAYERS would be there). TOMATOES- gotcha,
We just want you to know no matter how far away we hey what is a palm tree doing in the middle of the church? There are so many
are, no matter what you are going through we will things you have done for me, and we have shared some great memories
together. I hope that we won't lose touch because the hours from 1-3 will not
always be there for you, your our best friend, we love be the same without you. Who is going to protect AZ from JH next year? Next
year we will have to visit our kids KK and TAGS, I hope they survive without
you!-Carrie &Angie us. Thanks for being the best wig-wam buddy ever!!
:==========================::: years, even though you were my enemy in 5th grade basketball. I will never
Reinke-Hey spanks, my PFM buddy, you have been a total sweetie these past
forget our GREASE party, or the many other parties you 've hosted (even the
NEW KIDS) . Best of luck with Jason and everything you do!
Hooville-Duke sucks(J/K)-1 had to say it! You have been a great friend.
Especially New Year's Eve last year. What a riot! You are going far away next
year and I hope you stay in touch, even if you have some hot spanish stud as
a boyfriend like ya did this year. Some time when you get a chance ask me
about the champagne the night I broke my toe doing drill team.
Jamie-Trips to Mahoney, birthday parties when no one saw you smile. Those
are things in the past tn.Jt you still provided me with some crazy as hell
experiences. I wish you complete success and hope you do not forget my
name in afew years!! _
HOOCHIES:(that is my two favorite ones)Deanna-Hey there my DECA stud-
it has been one crazy highschool life, and you have been the biggest
sweetheart through it all. I hope you did not loose the crash helmet that I had
to use from your garage, it might come in handy. I'm glad ypu chose to go to
NU , distance from the PLAYERS will keep you out of trouble. You have been
a great friend and I will never forget ya.
Toonces-Hey there my elementary buddy- who would have thought that we
would be graduating such good friends? I guess I owe it to John for getting us
back to where we needed to be . "Heelp meeee!" and all the rest of our crazy
stunts(including water games) will be with me forever! YOu have been a terrific
friend since we were 5 I hope it never ends!
Kitty Kariol & Tags- What can I to my two favorite kids? You guys have been
the life of it all. You two are very important to me and I want you to know that
We would just like to salute our cavorting, integrated I will miss you tons next year! Hell, you might even like partying in Wayne better
selves and the haleyon, utopian camaraderie which we than Blair? Have fun with the majority of the norm posse next year, and with
KSA and Jeff!
have partaken of ( not to be overly meretricious and Not only thanks to all my closest friends but thank you to all the people
who made my life at Millard North what it was, it was well worth the 4 years of
fatuous). Remember us because we will have a future homework.
and will be able to eventuallt rule all of you. Most of all , girls thank you for all of the memories, remember I will
never forget you, not your smiles, not your voices, and I will never forget how
Love- much you mean to me! Best of luck to you all!!
Jessica Wilson, Trasi Martin, Cindy Chung Love always, STIG